Individual and Group Predictors of Workplace Ostracism and Employee Coping
Cong Liu,Chiahuei Wu,Joshua Cogswell,Malgorzata Gamian-Wilk,Xixi Gu,Sami Abdelal,Amer Ali Al-Atwi,Brian Goldfeder,Swapnil Kalra,Marta Luszczykiewicz,Aarti Polavarapu,Lindsay Pyc,Konrad Smolak,Shiyong Xu,Bainan Zhang
Abstract:We presents four studies to examine the individual, group, and family predictors of workplace ostracism. Using advanced survey research methods (experience sampling method, multi-level survey, and three-wave time-lagged design), the authors tested predictors of workplace ostracism, such as employees’ task proactivity, group cognitive diversity and group time pressure, and (lack of) family supportive supervision and family-to-work conflict. The authors also showed that employees responded to supervisor ostracism with emotion faking, which was related to more burnout and less felt authenticity. Task Proactivity and Workplace Ostracism: The Moderating Effect of Team Envy Presenter: Cong Liu; Hofstra U. Presenter: Shiyong Xu; Renmin U. of China Presenter: Bainan Zhang; Renmin U. of China Presenter: Lindsay Pyc; McKinsey & Company, Inc Presenter: Aarti Polavarapu; Hofstra U. Presenter: Brian Goldfeder; Hofstra U. Presenter: Swapnil Kalra; Hofstra U. Presenter: Sami Abdelal; Hofstra U. Group Non-Purposeful Ostracism: Its Antecedents and Outcomes Presenter: Amer Ali Al-Atwi; Al Muthanna U. Presenter: Joshua Cogswell; Nicholls State U. Linking Family-Supportive Supervision, Family-to-Work Conflict, and Workplace Ostracism Presenter: Malgorzata Gamian-Wilk; SWPS U. of Social Sciences and Humanities Presenter: Marta Luszczykiewicz; SWPS U. of Social Sciences and Humanities Presenter: Konrad Smolak; SWPS U. of Social Sciences and Humanities Supervisor Ostracism, Interpersonal Goals, and Employees’ Emotion Faking Presenter: Xixi Gu; China U. of Political Science and Law Presenter: Cong Liu; Hofstra U.