In-Game Culture Affects Learners' Use of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games

Julie Bytheway
Abstract:Millions of language learners use commercial off-the-shelf computer games as informal learning contexts. Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) are rich meaningful vocabulary learning contexts with in-game cultures that encourage creativity, decrease anxiety, force interaction, demand cooperative and autonomous learning, increase motivation, and reward curiosity. This case-study of World of Warcraft® players examined how the in-game culture affected participants' use of vocabulary learning strategies. Using research processes inherent in Grounded Theory, rich data was collected from extant MMORPG texts and observations of, interviews with, and elicited texts from a criterion sample of six ESL experienced gamers. Through constant comparative analysis, patterns and strategies emerged. Gu's (2005) model of vocabulary learning strategies in contexts was adapted to suit digital game contexts. The results highlight the need to value how the MMORPG culture affects language learners' vocabulary learning strategies and argue for study into autonomous language learning in commercial off-the-shelf digital games.
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