Citizenship Behavior: Different Theoretical Perspectives to Understand the Predictors and Outcomes
Peter Bamberger,Patrick Flynn,Russell Eric Johnson,Szu-Han Lin,Yiduo Shao,I-Heng Wu,Bruce Avolio,Amrou Awaysheh,Chu-Hsiang Chang,Aaron Hill,Hun Whee Lee,Emily Poulton,Junqi Shi,Tara S. Wernsing,Mengjie Xu
Abstract:This symposium presents cutting-edge research on citizenship behavior. The existing literature has suggested that citizenship behavior is an important and complicated phenomenon that is not fully understood. To reconcile the conflicting views in on-going investigations of this phenomenon, this symposium presents five studies that examine how employees at different organizational levels perceive citizenship behavior and how they enact and react to such behavior. Drawing from multiple theoretical perspectives, these studies advance our understanding regarding the various motives for citizenship behavior and the outcomes of such behavior for the actor, the team, and the organization. Peter Bamberger, who has made a foundational contribution to the workplace helping literature and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Academy of Management Discoveries, will comment on the papers and facilitate an interactive discussion with the audience. Opening Up the Black Box Between CEO Self-Esteem and Firm Performance: The Mediation Role of CEO Helping and TMT Managerial Consensus Presenter: Yiduo Shao; U. of Florida Presenter: Yifan Song; Temple U. Presenter: Jaclyn Koopmann; Auburn U. Presenter: Aaron Hill; U. of Florida Presenter: Junqi Shi; Lingnan U. / Sun Yat-sen U. The Top of the Top: Psychological Entitlement as a Mediator in Explaining High Performers' Social Behavioral Outcomes Presenter: I-Heng Wu; U. of Iowa Presenter: Min-Hsuan Tu; U. of Florida The Dark and Bright Sides of Empathic Concern: A Conservation of Resources Perspective Presenter: Szu-Han Lin; U. of Massachusetts, Amherst Presenter: Emily Poulton; U. of Massachusetts, Amherst Presenter: Mengjie Xu; U. of Massachusetts, Amherst Presenter: Min-Hsuan Tu; U. of Florida Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Its Implications for Moral Licensing Presenter: Russell Eric Johnson; Eli Broad School of Business, Michigan State U. Presenter: Hun Whee Lee; Michigan State U. Presenter: Chu-Hsiang Chang; Michigan State U. The Effects of Authentic Leadership on Sustainability Presenter: Tara S. Wernsing; IE Business School Presenter: Amrou Awaysheh; Indiana U. - Kelley School of Business Presenter: Patrick Flynn; North Carolina State U. Presenter: Bruce Avolio; U. of Washington