GENERAL STRATEGIC CITY PLANNING DESIGNING AND PROBLEMS OF PLANNING MANAGEMENT FOR SETTLING (the second part : problems, hindrances concerning their solution, actual targets and technological demands to the content of city planning documentations)
Sergii Dyuzhev
Urban development and spatial planning
Abstract:In the second part of the article, on the base of information from the Department of architecture and city planning KCSA (KMDA) concerning the consideration of our remarks and offers to decisions of so named project of a General plan for Kyiv until 2025 (2040) year, was determined not only wide range and scale of city planning problems in reference to strategical general planning (look through also the first part of the article) and traditional conception of the world and methodological hindrances concerning their adequate solution.
Among them: the lack of comprehension and distinguishing of physical agglomeration (metropolis) as a real, long ago existing landscape area of settling, and targets and methods of territorial management of such whole city planning object, moreover with conservation of the artificially established administrative and territorial delimitation between Kyiv and Kyiv’s oblast, whereas the necessity (including on the grounds of the demands for civil defence) to treat the unitary strategic city planning document for the whole agglomeration (metropolis) has become imminent long since; the absence of understanding of the role and significance of different kinds so named "conceptions" and "strategies", which have at best the status of preliminary analytic-assessed ("working") treatments and which are not able to substitute the contents and sense of strategical city planning decisions for General plan, which is treated and corrected in accordance with the established order; operating solely with the linear calculations of demographic forecasts ("scientific fortune telling") without ascertainment of the possible scope for social-demographical and functional-spatial capacity (of formed, those that have been forming or transforming) concerning the whole fragments of urban environment; the defiance of strategical directions of high-technology reindustrialization of the country and cities, effective using, conservation and modernization of a wide spectrum of production territories; fulfilment house building exclusively with the aim of receipt the fast commercial profit, and with the defiance of resources-landscape basis, cultural-historical and natural inheritance of the city, and also – the declared aims, such as "stable development", "making comfort surroundings" and to achieve a "European standards" for inhabitations; the change of treatment of "Strategical ecological valuation" and "Historical and architectural", "Historical and city planning" supporting plans into an empty formality, which is being "filled" to (whereupon) already taken (partly venal) project decisions, as a cumbersome "load" - without any influence upon the quality, substantiality and expediency of such decisions; the mass treatment of detailed territorial plans with gross violation of city planning decisions of valid General plan for Kyiv and lawful norms of city planning, land and nature protection legislation, regulations for the majority of state building norms (SBN); at the same time paradoxical discrepancy (and meaningful worsening last years) a string of lawful norms for city planning and land legislation, principles (especially concerning thesaurus) of the SBN "Planning and building of territories" (version 2019) with the tasks of overcoming city planning crisis and to present theoretical methodological demands concerning the reorganization (recommencement) of cultural and civilizational (technological) foundations and normative bases of the existence and transformation of architectural and city planning activity sphere and its basic constituent – a complex of strategic treatments as to city planning designing, projection and regulation concerning settling reality.
On the base of the observed scientific and practical experience conformably resolving of the marked corps of city planning problems, the approaches and directions for improving the methodical arsenal of investigation in reference to dynamics, reasons and means for overcoming crisis states of city planning settling phenomena, renewal of the professional culture of planning management have been established.
The attention was paid to one of the meaningful variants for rules of creation of the complicated whole and its fragments on the basis of the nonlinear synthesis principles (superposition of conjunction of acting concerning emergentness and confinement) and appropriate topology as to joining the process-environment fragments of landscape settling phenomena within the framework of synergetic conception, which is consonant with the succession of ideas for our creative-recursive settling conception and transcendence planning technologies in reference to accomplishing the settling. It was also shown the actuality and meaningful discerning of the classical and nonclassical models of rationality for treating the principles of city planning designing and projecting activity as stages of trying to find the sense of technological bases for planning management of settling reality on the base of constructioning the anticipative, beforehand determined ideal schemes of behavior (by V.V.Illin), that are being determined by the plan of the future and realized owing to conscious putting the aims and elaboration of the strategical decisions and producing the programs for their attainment.
On the base of the ontological model "genome" of transcendent planning technologies of logos-system mechanism of embodiment of the cultural forms of settling reality the strategic character exactly of the city planning management was shown, it reflects the configuration of essential, recurrent, invariant (as conforming to the laws of nature) connections and relations that immanent to the landscape phenomena (objects) of city planning. In that context the materials of sound investigation of international experience of strategical planning (K.B. Strelkov) were analyzed in reference to treating of so named "master-plan", which according to its content is closer to detailed plan for territory and, how it was established, is not the alternative for General plan, but it ("master-plan") is such that additionally (whether specialized) concretizes the physical (territorial) parameters of its strategical decisions. It is not such an alternative also premature (autonomous) "metaprogrammes" as the concepts for city planning development, that don’t have the corresponding theoretic-metodological base of strategic general planning.
According to the conducted two-stage thematic investigation it was propound a block (unit) of city planning treatments (which cannot be substituted one for another whether reduced to one) concerning the complex of decisions in reference to continual planning management, monitoring and appropriate coordinate land use (General strategical plan in prognostic horizon until 30–50 years, physical master-plan in prognostic horizon until 20–25 years, zoning-plan of complex reglamentation in prognostic horizon until 5–10 years) and also a blok (unit) of periodical (2–5 years accompaniment) for acceptance of city planning decisions and organization-management models for introduction of general decisions of strategic planning management – scilicet realization of city planning documentation of a long-term action (strateging and prognosticating of resistance technological parameters of logos-system aim-attaining; programming and regulating of consecutive improvement of process-environmental parameters of settling phenomena; problematization and normalization of reflexion retention of content of transcendent planning technologies that inherent to logos-system mechanizm of settling phenomena; expert opinion, consulting and planning audit – operative ascertainment, testing and diagnostication of phenomenological process-environment characteristics of city planning objects to aims and mission of its fulfilment).
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