Problems and prospects of strategic planning Of regional development
О. Voityk,N. Mazii
Democratic governance
Abstract:Problem setting. In the direction of balanced regional development, the state has the opportunity to use such a direct lever of influence on the process as strategic planning. At present stage of reforming of the system of public administration of regional development, its role and importance are especially growing, because strategic planning makes it possible to predict the further development of territories. General purpose of strategic planning is to move to indicative forecasting, information support for objective management decisions at the regional, local and national levels, including concerning increase and effective realization of resource potential of the region, overcoming of depression of territories, realization of structural transformations.
Recent research and publications analysis. Issues related to regional development are covered in works of such scholars as E. Alaev, G. Balabanov, P. Bubenko, Z. Varnalii, S. Haluza, Z. Herasymchuk, А. Holikov, H. Huberna, M. Dolishnii, L. Zaitseva, U. Ipatov, B. Kliianenko, V. Kravtsiv, O. Krainyk, N. Kuznetsov, L. Kuzmenko, A. Mazur, T. Maksymova, A. Marshalova, S. Melnyk, І. Mykhasiuk, N. Mikula, Y. Navruzov, O. Novoselov, V. Symonenko, D. Stechenko, H. Stolbov, L. Taranhul, S. Tiahlov, V. Khodachek, L. Chervona, М. Chumachenko, B. Shtulberh, M. Yankiv and others.
Taking into account the significant achievements of the scholars in the field of regional studies, insufficiently complete and in-depth study of the issues of strategic planning of regional development is still worth emphasizing.
Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. The main purpose of the article was to present a wide range of results of the study on the analysis of the problem and to justify the prospects of strategic planning of regional development.
Paper main body. Public administration of regional development in Ukraine should take into account basic trends of reforming processes in the European Union. Like in European countries, in Ukraine there are normative documents, which frame the strategic planning, i.e. there is every reason to talk about the functioning of the regional development planning system. The main components of this system include: strategic plans for socio-economic development; spatial plans of territorial development (schemes of planning of the territory of the region, general plans and town-planning documentation of settlements); medium-term plans for socio-economic development of the region and targeted development programs for certain areas of activity; short-term programs of socio-economic development.
Strategic, medium-term and short-term program documents of socio-economic development of the region are related to creating a favorable environment for the development of the regional economy and citizens’ life, meeting basic needs of business sector and people in various services, forming competitive advantages to enter outer markets, stimulation of entrepreneurial activity, active attraction of investments, development of various sectors of economy, etc. Spatial plans of different levels relate to the development of the territory as an object of implementation of urban policy of local authorities, they are tied to a specific space. Therefore, we can talk about two types of program documents. Both types are closely interrelated, contribute to improving the efficiency of the territory, but differ from each other.
Today, in the field of strategic planning of regional development in Ukraine there are many problems resulting from the lack of a comprehensive system of strategic planning of regional development in the country. In particular, these are the following: inconsistencies between different strategic and planning documents; lack of clear links between planning documents and the budget; lack of a unified approach to planning, uncertainty of the status of sertain strategic documents, political and legal consequences of their non-implementation; inefficient system of public policy evaluation; lack of responsibility for making ineffective management decisions.
The main directions of strategic planning were identified: intellectual growth of territories, which involves economic development based on the growing development of production infrastructure, knowledge, research, inventions, patents and innovations, i.e. reorientation of regional economies to an innovative model of development; sustainable and continuous growth of territories for creation of an economy based on the efficient use of resources, in particular, environmental resources, and increasing the efficiency of use of natural resources, economic potential of the region; comprehensive growth of living standards through the development of social infrastructure, increasing employment, human resources development and achievement of social well-being; increasing the investment attractiveness of regions and intensifying innovation activity therein, as well as increasing the competitiveness of regions.
Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Strategic planning of regional development is a powerful tool to unite the interests of the public, local business and local authorities, which has a positive impact on the business climate, community welfare, and competitive position of the territory. It is a creative process of defining strategic directions and agreeing on realistic goals and objectives, implementation of which will help to achieve a better future.