Comparison of the 25 Meter Freestyle Swimming Exercise Method with Swimming Board Aids and Friends Assistance for Extracurricular Students of Nurul Huda Integrated Islamic Elementary School in 2020
Bima Kukuh Priyo Wicaksono,Zainal Afandi,Wasis Himawanto
International Journal of Research and Review
Abstract:This research was based on the observations and experiences of researchers, which most children have dared to come in the water but in doing the correct movement for the freestyle, they still need direction. Therefore, the sports physical Education and health (PJOK) coach or teacher played an important role in directing good and correct swimming lessons. In this study, there were two ways to learn freestyle swimming they were using a float (swimming board) and with the help of friends so that the implementation of freestyle swimming can be achieved. The problems of this researcher are (1) How much was the effect of the exercise method using the swimming board on the 25 meter freestyle swimming technique? (2) How much influence did the training method with the help of a friend have on the 25 meter freestyle swimming technique? (3) Which was better the training method using a swimming board or a friend's help for the 25 meter freestyle swimming technique? This research was a type of quasi-experimental research (quay experiment) with a quantitative approach. Experimental research was a research conducted strictly to determine the causal relationship between the variables. The conclusions of this study are: (1) In this study, there was an effect of exercise using a swimming board in a 25 meter freestyle swimming speed. From the initial test/pretest the fastest time was 01.29, while the final test/posttest got the fastest time of 01.11. Based on the research problem formulation and research results, there were significant differences in freestyle swimming using a swimming board and the help of friends. It was proven from the results using the SPSS calculation where the significance of the swimming board was 0.017 0.05, so there was no significant difference from the results of the pretest and posttest using the help of friends. (3) So, it could be the concluded that there was a significant difference between using a swimming board and using a friend's help. In this study, the method of using the swimming board was better than the 25 meter freestyle swimming. It was proven from the results using the SPSS calculation where the significance of the swimming board was 0.017 < 0.05, so there was a difference between the pretest and posttest which at sig was less than 0.05. , then there was no significant difference between the results of the pretest and posttest using the help of friends. Based on the conclusions of this study: (1) For swimming students, they can use and run an exercise program with methods, either using assistive devices or not using assistive devices to increase the speed of the 25 meter freestyle swimming correctly. (2) For swimming coaches, in order to be able to innovate more in developing training methods, either using assistive devices or not to get the best results. Keywords: [Freestyle swimming, swimming board, friend's help]
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