Ionization detail parameters and cluster dose: A mathematical model for selection of nanodosimetric quantities for use in treatment planning in charged particle radiotherapy
Bruce Faddegon,Eleanor A. Blakely,Lucas Burigo,Yair Censor,Ivana Dokic,Naoki Dominguez Kondo,Ramon Ortiz,Jose Ramos Mendez,Antoni Rucinski,Keith Schubert,Niklas Wahl,Reinhard Schulte
Abstract:Objective: To propose a mathematical model for applying Ionization Detail (ID), the detailed spatial distribution of ionization along a particle track, to proton and ion beam radiotherapy treatment planning (RTP). Approach: Our model provides for selection of preferred ID parameters (I_p) for RTP, that associate closest to biological effects. Cluster dose is proposed to bridge the large gap between nanoscopic I_p and macroscopic RTP. Selection of I_p is demonstrated using published cell survival measurements for protons through argon, comparing results for nineteen Ip: N_k; k = 2,3,...,10, the number of ionizations in clusters of k or more per particle, and F_k; k = 1,2,...,10, the number of clusters of k or more per particle. We then describe application of the model to ID-based RTP and propose a path to clinical translation. Main results: The preferred I_p were N_4 and F_5 for aerobic cells, N_5 and F_7 for hypoxic cells. Signifcant differences were found in cell survival for beams having the same LET or the preferred N_k. Conversely, there was no signi?cant difference for F_5 for aerobic cells and F_7 for hypoxic cells, regardless of ion beam atomic number or energy. Further, cells irradiated with the same cluster dose for these I_p had the same cell survival. Based on these preliminary results and other compelling results in nanodosimetry, it is reasonable to assert that I_p exist that are more closely associated with biological effects than current LET-based approaches and microdosimetric RBE-based models used in particle RTP. However, more biological variables such as cell line and cycle phase, as well as ion beam pulse structure and rate still need investigation. Signifcance: Our model provides a practical means to select preferred I_p from radiobiological data, and to convert I_p to the macroscopic cluster dose for particle RTP.
Medical Physics,Optimization and Control