WANG Yi-ran,LI You-li,YAN Dong-dong,L(U) Sheng-hua,SI Su-pei
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.0253-4967.2015.01.001
Abstract:Shanxi Graben System( SGS) is a NNE-trending tectonic system located in the eastern and southern edges of Ordos Block and between Yinshan tectonic zone and Qinling tectonic zone.Composited with a series of NNE-,NE-trending graben basins,SGS is an important seismic zone in North China. Yuncheng Basin locates in the southern end of SGS,and is the deepest basin of the system. It is a half-graben with a shallow northern part and a deep southern part. As the south and east boundary of Yuncheng Basin,the North Zhongtiaoshan Fault Zone( NZFZ) played a key role in the development of the topology and tectonics setting of Yuncheng Basin. NZFZ is a normal fault zone,NE-to NEE-trending and 130 km long. This fault zone can be divided into 3 segments: the south,the middle,and the north segment,and there are no historical M≥7,but only 3 M = 6 have taken place. Previous study suggests that the tectonic activity in this area is low and the earthquake interval is relatively long; seismic activity in the north and south segments is the weakest: the earthquake recurrence interval in the north segment is 50ka and it has not been active for 50ka,the interval of the south segment is ~ 12 ka and its last movement is about 7ka ago. Our work tells a different story: based on thorough fieldwork,satellite imagery analysis,and trench investigation,we found that there have been multiple earthquake events taking place in all of the 3 segments during Holocene. This study includes two trenches that locate in the south and middle segments of NZFZ,each of them renders 3 paleo-earthquake events: a 10 570 ~ 8 010 a BP event, an around 6670 ~ 6 550 a BP event,and a 2 110 ~ 320 a BP event in TC-1; a 7 930 ~ 11 300 a BP event,a4 800 ~ 6 010 a BP event,and a 2 680 a BP event in TC-2. Through comparing these events with other 2 trenches in the middle segment of NZFZ( a XTC trench that renders a 19 980 a BP event and a 8 570 ~ 7 780 a BP event with 2. 2m vertical displacement; a XLC trench that renders a8 980 ~ 7 340 a BP event with ~ 1. 8m vertical displacement),we identified: a 8 570 ~ 8 010 a BP event which broke through both middle and south segment of NZFZ with a largest known vertical displacement of 2. 2m and 95 km surface rupture,a 4 800 ~ 6 010 a BP and a 2 110 ~ 320 a BP event with 7 ~ 30 km surface ruptures and largest known vertical displacements of 0. 7m and 1. 2m,respectively. The recurrence interval of these events is about 3 500 a. Calculated with empirical formula of normal fault in North China,the magnitude of the 8 570 ~ 8 010 a BP earthquake should be at least 8. 0,and the magnitudes of the 4 800 ~ 6 010 a BP and 2 110 ~ 320 a BP events are both ≈7. 0. These findings suggest that,as a Holocene active fault zone which made up with multiple faults,the middle and south segments of NZFZ have shown strong seismic activity and have triggered multiple earthquake events during the Holocene. Contrary to previous study,the activity of south segment might not be the weakest,and it is possible that the south segment is more seismic active than the middle segment.