T. A. Fedotova,N. M. Mezentseva
Abstract:Objective. Determining the characteristics of the labor force as a commodity sold and bought on the labor market in order to optimize the buying and selling process and satisfy the interests and needs of market subjects. Methods. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: descriptive, analytical, analysis and synthesis, generalization and systematization, induction and deduction, statistical, tabular. Results. It is suggested that under the product offered on the labor market, individual labor power should be taken into account. At the same time, the individual labor force is determined by the set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person, which are used in the process of social production. It is common knowledge that the main subjects of the labor market are employers and employees. It was determined that within the framework of the approach to labor force as a commodity, employers act as buyers, and employees act as sellers on the labor market. The existing idea in the Internet space that the main difference between labor power and all other types of goods is that labor power is useful after purchase, when the employer starts using it, has been refuted. It has been established that in general it is very difficult to accurately determine which of the features of the product labor force is the main one, because many of them are defining and specific. Based on the results of the analysis, the following features of the specific product "labour force" were singled out: constant reproduction is an indispensable condition of existence; in the production process is not consumed in material form; limited possibility of price reduction; the sale of goods is generated by socio-economic factors; the objectivity of the sale, that is, the absence of explicit and implicit coercion to work; ownership of labor is retained after its sale; sale takes place in the form of hiring; is a living commodity that is not consumed during the sale; the sales relationship continues from the moment of employment to the moment of dismissal; creates value and is not consumed in the process of use; the possibility of choosing the price of the product and refusing to sell; possible sale to two sellers at the same time; cannot be arbitrarily moved on a territorial scale; has no value if it is not in demand; unused savings are lost later; personal identification and differentiation, a unique set of qualities. A critical analysis of the positions of other scientists regarding the main characteristics of the workforce was carried out, which showed that some of them are given unfoundedly and not quite correctly. It is proved that the life cycle of the product "labour force" is subject to the same laws of the market and marketing as a normal product, the stages of the life cycle are interpreted to the peculiarities of the sale of labor force on the labor market.