Management of English Language Anxiety through Behaviour Modification Techniques of High School Students
Ganesan, Rajesh,Kulkarni, Mukund
International Journal of Indian Psychology
Abstract:Today we live in the age of globalization, as the world came at calling distance the need for the common communication system has aroused which is understood and well accepted by the global community. As nation we also have understood and accepted the importance of common communication system to have firm footing in the global scenario. With some exception English language has acquired the status of global language, which is spoken, written, understood and used by many world countries including India. In India English has become pre-requisite and facilitating factor in communication, education, vocation and business careers. But still in India we speak and use diverse languages, that’s why Indian scenario is quite different from that of world. On the basis of English language Indian population can be divided in to two main groups. First group includes people who are very good at all aspects of English language like reading, writing, speaking and understanding it. They are mostly urban, middle or high class people, having easy access to good education and they use it to their advantage. Remaining population is mostly rural, lower income group and depends on public schools for their education. Mostly these people know only their native language and communicate in it only. Being second language and started at later age, English learning creates anxiety in students of this population, associated with productive skills like speaking and writing or receptive skills like reading and listening. English anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness, worry, nervousness, apprehension, or fear while learning or using English. Children in this population study English as second language at High School level in almost all schools; except English all other subjects are taught to them in their native language. The effects of this anxiety are more evident in the classroom and strongly indicate the Academic performance of the student. Anxiety is found to have a detrimental effect on student’s confidence, Self-esteem and level of participation. Anxious students employ avoidance strategies like falling sick frequently, not paying attention in classroom and skipping classes. They do well in other subjects but not in English, which lowers their self esteem; as result they develop negative attitude toward English language, and show less interest in this subject. Anxious students also forget previously learned material, volunteer answers less frequently and have a greater tendency to remain passive in classroom activities.