Historical aspects of the establishment of the institution of child rights protection in international law
V. Senko
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24144/2788-6018.2023.01.83
Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence
Abstract:This article provides an understanding of the relevance and importance of the principles of human rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The article pays special attention to the importance of observing children's rights and encouraging advocacy activities of public and children's organizations regarding the protection of children's rights.
In the presented study, the author analyzes the articles of the Convention and considers them as social rights (the right to life and development, health care and access to medical care, the right to education, family life, family reunification, the right to assistance in the maximum possible social integration for disabled children, as well as the right to support parents so that they can protect the rights of their children), economic rights (the right to decent living conditions, to social security, to protection from economic exploitation), cultural rights (the right to respect for language, culture and religion, for the abolition of traditional practices that may harm the well-being of the child), protective rights (the right to protect the interests of the child, protection from physical and sexual violence and exploitation, protection from participation in military conflicts, protection from abuse rights and humiliation), civil and political rights (the right to be heard and taken seriously, the right to freedom from discrimination in the exercise of rights, the right to freedom of religion and belief, the right to privacy, to information, to respect for physical and personal integrity and freedom from all forms of violence, torture or other cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment, the right to respect for the order of detention and criminal judiciary).
It is emphasized that the mentioned international legal act plays an important fundamental role in the development of social consciousness and the practice of protecting children's rights and freedoms. It provides the legal basis for the necessary protection of persons under the age of 18.