Examine the impact of advertising media on the consumer purchasing behavior of FMCG Products
Manish Pushkar,Aishwarya Singh Rajput
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30574/wjarr.2023.18.3.1220
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews
Abstract:The research paper study was conducted to screen out the examine the impact of advertising media on the consumer purchasing behavior of FMCG products. Advertising is a promotion strategy that serves as a major tool in creating product awareness in the mind of the consumer to take a purchasing decision. A questionnaire was created and circulated to capture the data from the consumers, and 108 responses were collected. Sample data were collected from all over India. After collecting responses from the questionnaire data, an expert interview was conducted. Based on the expert interview thematic analysis was done in which responses were collected and then manually coded in the form of themes. Major themes were sorted out from the common themes. Thematic analysis showed that there is a relationship between consumer and advertising media. There is an impact of social media among consumers, and they find a relationship between products and media. There is an impact factor when consumers choose to review before purchasing products. The results show significant factors affecting consumers from advertising media. Objectives: To carefully examine anonymous customers' free-text remarks to find new trends and understand how advertising media affects consumers. Design: Free-text data from a population-based survey that was thematically analysed. Settings and participants: A total of 108 participants are currently working in different sectors including working professionals, non-working people, and students. Of which an expert interview was conducted. Main outcome measures: Theme expressions in the free text are coded. Overarching topics are identified using comment categories. Methods: Twenty-five respondents provided free-text replies. A multi-step process was used to code the data: general categories were created from the comments, after which subcategories within those categories were coded, themes that cut across categories were found using cross-sectional analysis, and finally categories and subcategories were mapped to corresponding closed questions. Results: Most poll participants expressed optimism over the compatibility and influence of advertising media. We discovered some common themes via conducting interviews with folks. Some of these themes include brand awareness, mature audiences, social media review reliability, product relationships, and dynamic social media. These sections delve into the underlying subthemes. Conclusion: This study analyses several traits that are present throughout the entire shopping experience and focuses on the influence of the advertising media on the consumer purchasing behavior of FMCG products. Even while most responses were positive, further research showed that a sizeable percentage of respondents were doubtful. Brand awareness can help to ease these worries, even in cases when social media review reliability is present.