Special issue on applied neurodynamics: from neural dynamics to neural engineering
Hillel J Chiel,Peter J Thomas
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/8/6/060201
IF: 5.043
Journal of Neural Engineering
Abstract:Tracing technologies back in time to their scientific and mathematical origins reveals surprising connections between the pure pursuit of knowledge and the opportunities afforded by that pursuit for new and unexpected applications. For example, Einstein's desire to eliminate the disparity between electricity and magnetism in Maxwell's equations impelled him to develop the special theory of relativity (Einstein 1922). His conviction that there should be no privileged inertial frame of reference further impelled him to utilize the non-Euclidean geometry originally developed by Riemann and others as a purely hypothetical alternative to classical geometry as the foundation for the general theory of relativity. Nowadays, anyone who depends on a global positioning system—which now includes many people who own smart phones—uses a system that would not work effectively without incorporating corrections from both special and general relativity (Ashby 2003). As another example, G H Hardy famously proclaimed his conviction that his work on number theory, which he pursued for the sheer love of exploring the beauty of mathematical structures, was unlikely to find any practical applications (Hardy 1940). Ironically, the famous Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithm, which currently underpins much of modern cryptography, depends on fundamental ideas from number theory (Cormen et al 2001). Finally, the indeterminacy of the quantum states of light, atoms and molecules, a source of great theoretical interest in the first quarter of the last century, is now in the process of being harnessed for creating algorithms, and novel computers, that can solve problems that could not be addressed by current computing devices (Steane 1998, Ralph and Pryde 2010). Thus, perhaps we should not be surprised that a focus on whether a three-body system (such as the sun, earth and moon) would remain stable over time ultimately became the basis for a new geometrical way of thinking about nonlinear dynamical systems, and that this approach has begun to find practical applications in the understanding and control of nervous systems, including novel ideas for brain–computer interfaces. Classical dynamical systems theory began with the work of Newton on the motion of the planets. He was able to solve a two-body problem, the motion of the earth around the sun (Newton 1687, Chandrasekhar 1995). Finding explicit solutions for the slightly more complicated problem of three bodies (for example, the sun, earth and moon) proved to be far more difficult. In the late nineteenth century, Poincaré made significant progress on this problem, introducing a geometric method of reasoning about solutions to differential equations (Diacu and Holmes 1996). This work had a powerful impact on mathematicians and physicists, and also began to influence biology. In his 1925 book, based on his work starting in 1907, and that of others, Lotka used nonlinear differential equations and concepts from dynamical systems theory to analyze a wide variety of biological problems, including oscillations in the numbers of predators and prey (Lotka 1925). Although little was known in detail about the function of the nervous system, Lotka concluded his book with speculations about consciousness and the implications this might have for creating a mathematical formulation of biological systems. Much experimental work in the 1930s and 1940s focused on the biophysical mechanisms of excitability in neural tissue, and Rashevsky and others continued to apply tools and concepts from nonlinear dynamical systems theory as a means of providing a more general framework for understanding these results (Rashevsky 1960, Landahl and Podolsky 1949). The publication of Hodgkin and Huxley's classic quantitative model of the action potential in 1952 created a new impetus for these studies (Hodgkin and Huxley 1952). In 1955, FitzHugh published an important paper that summarized much of the earlier literature, and used concepts from phase plane analysis such as asymptotic stability, saddle points, separatrices and the role of noise to provide a deeper theoretical and conceptual understanding of threshold phenomena (Fitzhugh 1955, Izhikevich and FitzHugh 2006). The Fitzhugh–Nagumo equations constituted an important two-dimensional simplification of the four-dimensional Hodgkin and Huxley equations, and gave rise to an extensive literature of analysis. Many of the papers in this special issue build on tools directly descended from the analysis of the Hodgkin and Huxley equations in FitzHugh and Nagumo's early work. Mathematicians became increasingly interested in biological problems in general, and in the function of the nervous system in particular, during the latter part of the twentieth century. The natural tool for describing more complex neural systems whose patterns of activity unfold in time was nonlinear dynamical systems theory. Classic work from such investigators as Kolmogorov, Arnol'd, Moser, Malkin, Andronov, Hopf, Birkhoff, Hartman and others (reviewed in Izhikevich 2006) served as the basis for understanding the dynamics of neural models such as the coupling of oscillators for rhythmic behavior, leading to work such as that of Koppell and Ermentrout on the lamprey swimming system (Kopell and Ermentrout 1986, 1990), based on earlier models of Cohen et al (1982). Exploration of nonlinear interactions in neuronal populations, especially those that might be related to vision, led to the development of the Wilson–Cowan equations in the 1970s (Wilson and Cowan 1972, 1973). The advent of increasingly powerful personal computers also made it feasible to combine theoretical analyses with extensive numerical investigations of nonlinear dynamical systems. An important and influential example of such work was the detailed bifurcation analysis of Morris and Lecar's two-dimensional model of nonlinear dynamical behavior in the giant muscle fiber of the Pacific barnacle Balanus nubilis (Morris and Lecar 1981), done by Rinzel and Ermentrout in the late 1980s (Rinzel and Ermentrout 1989). The mathematical analysis of bursting behavior based on decomposition of a dynamical system into fast and slow subsystems, an application of Fenichel's geometric singular perturbation theory (Fenichel 1979, Jones 1995), continues to play an important role. Recent work on dynamical analyses of neurons and neural circuits is described in Izhikevich's recent book (Izhikevich 2006), which is based in part on his own work in this area. This is a very small glimpse of a much larger literature; these mathematical themes recur throughout this issue. Practitioners of neural engineering who want to explore the language and role of dynamics further can find accessible introductions to the key ideas in works such as Strogatz (1994) and Izhikevich (2006). In this special issue of Journal of Neural Engineering, we provide a sample of the vigor and excitement of the recent developments in the applications of nonlinear dynamical systems theory to the understanding and control of the nervous system. Four of the papers demonstrate the power of dynamical systems theory to analyze and understand neural systems, both in isolation and within a neuromechanical context (Coggan et al 2011, Nadim et al 2011, Spardy et al 2011a, 2011b). One paper focuses on the importance of noise and delay in dynamical systems for control (Milton 2011). Two papers focus on the dynamics of ion channels—in one paper, new approaches for estimating their parameters are described (Meng et al 2011), and in a second, the time courses of sodium ion channels are used to understand conduction block due to high-frequency stimulation (Ackermann et al 2011). Two papers focus on the use of optimal control theory to develop approaches for understanding (deWolf and Eliasmith 2011) and controlling (Nabi and Moehlis 2011) the nervous system. Finally, two papers begin to explore longer time scale neural dynamics through a combination of modeling and experiments, examining how animals learn to reduce the time required to forage for food at multiple sites (de Jong et al 2011), and how the dynamics of the respiratory system change with development (Fietkiewicz et al 2011). The first four papers of this special issue illustrate the use of dynamical systems theory to analyze and understand neural circuitry and neuromechanical systems. The first of these papers uses the phase response curve (PRC) of an oscillator, which is a conceptual tool rooted in the analysis of systems of nonlinear differential equations that quantifies the effect of internally generated or externally applied perturbations on the phase of an ongoing oscillation. Nadim et al (2011) elegantly apply PRCs and related techniques to shed light on mechanisms for stabilizing the period of a particular central pattern generator circuit, responsible for the pyloric rhythm in the stomatogastric ganglion of the crab. Although the digestive system of Cancer borealis may seem somewhat removed from the concerns of neural engineers, this system has provided the basis for both experimental and theoretical work on the role of neuromodulation on neural circuitry. Neuromodulators can functionally alter the dynamics of a neural circuit on a moment-to-moment basis, 'carving out' distinct functional circuits from a single anatomical circuit (Marder and Thirumalai 2002). Furthermore, a hallmark of central pattern generator (CPG) systems in humans and other animals is a balance of robustness to perturbation and adaptability to changing conditions. Here Nadim et al (2011) focus on robustness, both to intrinsic perturbations such as barrages of irregular synaptic activity (incorporated into a dynamical systems model of the circuit as a Poisson input train), as well as perturbing inputs from other rhythmic processes internal to the animal, such as a slow modulatory input from the animal's gastric mill. Experimentally identified inhibitory feedback from a particular part of the circuit to a pair of pacemaker cells appears extraneous at first, inasmuch as suppressing it seems to have no effect on the period of the pyloric rhythm. But while the mean period is unaffected by removing this synapse's effect, the variance of the period shows great sensitivity. Using an experimental approach that allows them to artificially remove the inhibition—dynamic clamp—and a model that is simplified but based in a principled fashion on the original system, the authors use the structure of the phase response curves with and without the synapse present to explain the mechanism underlying this variance-suppressing inhibitory synapse. Their results can be explained at a conceptual level using phase plane analysis to show that inhibitory synaptic input and the intrinsic properties of the neuron act to cancel out the changes in phase induced by perturbations. These results may have intriguing implications for the role of inhibition in stabilizing vertebrate nervous systems, as well as artificial neural networks. The second paper in this special issue uses dynamical analysis to shed light on the dysfunctional activation of peripheral neurons, for instance in paroxysmal attacks of pain or spasticity. Coggan et al (2011) provide insight into changes in axonal excitability through dynamical analysis of conductance-based models. These authors make elegant use of fast/slow analysis to explain the initiation and termination of ectopic spiking that may underlie paroxysmal neurological symptoms. They work both with a multi-compartment conductance-based model and a lower dimensional, single-compartment model based on the Morris–Lecar model mentioned above. They find that axonal susceptibility to after-discharge depends on dynamical properties such as bistability, in which a dynamical system has more than one stable attractor for a given set of parameters (in this case, a 'quiet' stable fixed point and an 'active' stable limit cycle). Moreover, they find that the system's behavior depends on geometrical features of the dynamics, such as the distance between stable and unstable (saddle) fixed points in the phase plane. Based on their models, they make observations that may have clinical relevance: an axon susceptible to paroxysmal discharges due to disease or mutation may be able to operate normally unless an appropriate 'trigger' is encountered, accounting for the intermittency in the phenomenon that is often observed. Moreover, absolute values of currents may not be as relevant as relative time scales of underlying currents for determining whether paroxysmal discharges will occur. As Coggan et al (2011) observe, 'clinically relevant changes in excitability can be replicated in surprisingly simple models, and can be explained on the basis of a relatively small number of complex nonlinear interactions'. In what could be a theme for this special issue, they further write 'With increases in computing power, there is less and less practical need to keep models simple. However, as models become more complicated, they become harder to analyze (in any formal mathematical manner at least) and ultimately harder to understand. Especially when one's goal is to explain the basis for some well-characterized phenomenon, building a model with the minimally sufficient components may be a good approach. Such models afford the best opportunity to apply tools from dynamical systems theory to formally characterize the nonlinear dynamical basis for the phenomenon'. The third and fourth papers in this special issue, by Spardy et al (2011a, 2011b), use dynamical systems theory to understand the underlying dynamics of vertebrate locomotion. Within the theoretical framework of dynamical systems, a central pattern generator circuit is typically thought of as a stable limit cycle, or isolated periodic orbit. From this point of view, it is natural to see the relationship between the central circuit and the peripheral musculo-skeletal system as feed-forward only. However, real neuromechanical systems often include feedback from the periphery to the central generator, and these interactions may have nontrivial consequences for rhythm generation (Chiel and Beer 1997, Chiel et al 2009). Incorporating peripheral feedback into a neuromechanical central pattern generator complicates the model, but also can provide a closer match to empirical behavior. As an example, Markin et al (2010) recently showed that fictive locomotion (in an isolated spinal cord preparation from the cat) occurred only over a narrow range of supra-spinal drives compared to those supporting normal locomotion in a preparation in which feedback from the limb to the spinal cord was kept intact. The mechanisms by which locomotory behavior can be maintained, both under normal conditions and under reduced supraspinal drive (representing the effects of spinal cord injury (SCI)) are important building blocks for rehabilitative therapy post-SCI. Spardy et al (2011a, 2011b) analyze afferent control in a neuromechanical model of limbed locomotion that addresses these experimental results directly. Using sophisticated mathematical techniques from dynamical systems analysis, such as dissection of the dynamics into fast and slow subsystems, they are able to stitch together the geometry underlying transitions between different combinations of flexor/extensor activation and stance/swing phases of limb movement. Their analysis explains how peripheral feedback extends the range of supraspinal drives for which stable oscillations occur. In fact, they identify qualitatively distinct mechanisms by which the CPG creates rhythmic behavior in the presence and absence of feedback; in one case, the timing is determined by release from inhibition, and in the other case, escape from inhibition. In a companion paper, this same group carries out a further analysis of the locomotory control system, allowing them to resolve the following issue. As running speed increases, the durations of different component phases of the motion (stance/swing) do not change symmetrically. Instead, increase in velocity of forward motion is accomplished by decreasing the stance phase duration while the swing phase duration remains roughly constant. How is it that a CPG built of symmetrically related elements (flexor/extensor related rhythm generation neurons and interneurons), and symmetric descending drive, is able to produce asymmetric cycles? By finding a reduced model that retains the essential dynamical elements of the larger computational model, they are able to explain why a CPG or drive asymmetry are not needed to generate asymmetric changes in the duration of the swing/stance phases as running speed increases, as observed experimentally. As part of the analysis, they raise and answer an important question: does the reduced model indeed possess limit cycle dynamics? They are able to prove mathematically (using averaging methods) that the move to a more analytically tractable model has not eliminated the main phenomenon of interest, and that a limit cycle does indeed exist in the simplified model. The fifth paper in this special issue, by Milton (2011), extends the classical dynamical systems approach by incorporating the 'reality' of imperfect actuators and sensors, unexpected events in the world, noise and delays. From an engineering viewpoint, delays can cause deleterious complications within control systems. For example, sufficiently long delays in a feedback control loop can be destabilizing. However, the existence of delays in a neural control system is often ignored because it complicates mathematical analysis of the system. The coexistence of delays and random perturbations (or noise) further complicates system analysis. Milton (2011) gives an elegant review of this topic with applications to human neural control problems, for example the stability and response time during postural sway in healthy adults, visuomotor stabilization of an inverted rigid rod (stick balancing), delay-induced transient oscillations and anticipatory synchronization. As Milton (2011) points out, in order to connect insights from analysis of noisy delayed control systems with human neuromotor control, it is essential to understand the nature of the cost functions that the nervous system uses to manage its resources. The sixth paper in this special issue, by Meng et al (2011), focuses on the problem of parameter estimation for models of nerve cells that have multiple ionic conductances. The richness of the dynamics of nerve cells, which are far more than on/off switches, comes from the many ion channels within their membranes, which allow them to be spontaneously active, to be bistable (e.g. silent or firing repetitively based on inputs), to fire in rhythmic bursts and to have their dynamical properties altered by exogenous neuromodulators. In many extracellular recordings, however, only information about the timing of spikes is available. What can be inferred from these data? Meng et al (2011) use the statistical theory of point processes and Monte Carlo methods to infer the parameters for a proposed dynamical model of a nerve cell. They show that it is possible to estimate two 'unknown' conductances (gNA and gK) for a standard Hodgkin–Huxley model from two sets of spike train data with two different simulated resting currents, and suggest ways in which this approach could be generalized to more complex spike train data. The seventh paper, by Ackermann et al (2011), also focuses on the dynamics of ion channels to shed new light on a controversy concerning the mechanism by which high-frequency stimulation can reversibly block conduction of action potentials in peripheral nerves. High-frequency block (HFB) techniques show promise for remediating the effects of chronic spasticity by preventing pathological peripheral activity from propagating to central sensation centers. Using the known dynamics of sodium and potassium channels, and a sensitivity analysis of a dynamical conduction model, the authors are able to narrow down the likely mechanism by which HFB acts to stop signals from propagating into the nervous system. The eighth paper, by Nabi and Moehlis (2011), uses approaches from control theory to explore the control or remediation of pathophysiological states. In many cases, pathological neurological conditions involve a dynamical component. For example, debilitating akinesia and involuntary tremor associated with Parkinson's disease (PD) are believed to involve atypical synchronized activity in populations of neurons in regions such as the subthalamic nucleus within the basal ganglia (Hauptmann and Tass 2010, Rosin et al 2007). Remediation of PD symptoms via deep brain stimulation (DBS) is limited in that it can only 'force' the system in a small number of independently tunable directions. How can one most effectively desynchronize a high-dimensional dynamical system using an input that is limited to a much smaller dimension? To make things worse, the details of the system for any given patient—number, connectivity and physiology of the neurons involved—are largely unknown. Nabi and Moehlis (2011) take a step toward addressing these issues by considering optimal desynchronizing control for a simple system that retains essential elements of the problem: given three coupled oscillators with a tendency to synchronize (that is, a globally attracting stable synchronized state), and a control signal that can only be applied to one of the oscillators, what is the optimal desynchronizing control signal under a quadratic control penalty? Put another way, with how light a touch is it possible to bring the oscillators away from their preferred synchronized state by a given amount? The answer depends in part on the form taken by the coupling between the cells. For instance, if the coupling between the stimulated cell and the others is identical, then from symmetry one can see that no desynchronizing control signal exists (at least, if the cells are identical). Encouragingly, for reasonable control stimuli, the authors find that control signals of modest size can effectively desynchronize the population for a large fraction of possible couplings. The ninth paper addresses one of the most ambitious areas within neural engineering: the application of control theoretic techniques to dynamics of circuits in the central nervous system. Control of high-dimensional systems (often accessed through low-dimensional interventions) and the complexity of interactions intrinsic to central neural circuits makes this problem especially challenging. The paper by De Wolf and Eliasmith (2011) proposes a general theoretical framework for modeling neural control, the neural optimal control hierarchy (NOCH), relying on concepts from optimal control theory. Using the Bellman equation, they define key control concepts for trajectories, argue for a motor hierarchy and suggest ways in which this could be mapped onto actual neural systems, and apply their framework to understand arm reaching, both in normal subjects and in those affected by Huntington's disease and cerebellar injury. They also argue that some of the highly nonlinear responses of motor cortical neurons during reaching behavior are a natural consequence of the control problem solved by the neural circuitry, as they have defined it. Although much experimental work remains to validate their approach, they discuss the likelihood that ideas from control theory could already be incorporated into novel brain–machine interfaces. Finally, the last two papers begin to empirically address two important aspects of slower time scale dynamics in the nervous system: learning and development. The paper by de Jong et al (2011) develops a new paradigm for understanding how animals respond to spatial problems by studying the paths that rats take among several different food sources. After repeated exposure, the paths that animals take shorten, suggesting that they are able to find more efficient ways of exploiting resources in their environment. The problem is challenging because the animals need to use local cues to determine the nature of the task itself, and then to determine how to improve their responses over time. If a food source is removed, animals are able to rapidly adjust their routes to continue to take the shortest path among the food sources. As the authors point out, this task is related to a classic problem in computational complexity theory, the traveling salesman problem, and may shed light on how biological systems rapidly obtain good (if not globally optimal) solutions to such problems, as well as creating a new paradigm for understanding the mapping of spatial problems within brain areas such as the hippocampus. The paper by Fietkiewicz et al (2011) uses both empirical and modeling studies to understand the developmental dynamics of the respiratory system. Phase relationships among motor neurons driving the respiratory system change early in development, and play an important role in generating stable breathing rhythms. Using cross-correlation techniques, the authors demonstrate the stage of development at which these changes occur, and then create a model that provides some insight into how this change may be instantiated neurally. These papers also suggest some important directions for future work. As Milton (2011) emphasizes, noise and delays are inherent in the nervous system, the body and the environment, and since all have co-evolved, subject to energetic constraints, many aspects of the control of the overall system will not be clear unless these stochastic processes are properly modeled and understood (Goldwyn et al 2011, Thomas 2011, White et al 2000). Similarly, the two papers by Spardy et al (2011a, 2011b) emphasize that nervous systems are embodied, and that neural dynamics is shaped by the neuromechanical properties of the periphery. The paper by DeWolf and Eliasmith (2011) poses an interesting challenge, suggesting that optimal control theory and hierarchical structures may provide insight into the nervous system. It remains to be seen whether this approach can capture the highly recurrent nature of biological nervous systems, and the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of its elements. The papers by de Jong et al (2011) and Fietkiewicz et al (2011) suggest that understanding more about learning and development will provide deep insights into the slow dynamics of the nervous system that allow it to adapt over the lifespan of an individual. They pose the challenge of relating local plastic changes to the global dynamics of the system. Many of the papers suggest fruitful and potentially novel ways to begin to develop new brain–computer interfaces based on an understanding of neural dynamics: extracting parameters for the underlying dynamics using the approaches suggested by Meng et al (2011); using an understanding of the dynamics of ion channels to develop new protocols for enhancing or blocking signaling in the nervous system, using the approaches suggested by Ackermann et al (2011); exploiting an understanding of the dynamics of neural populations to find the lowest-dimensional driving signals that could synchronize or desynchronize population activity, using the approach of Nabi and Moehlis (2011); recognizing the importance of appropriately timed inhibition to stabilize a neural circuit in response to perturbations, using the approach of Nadim et al (2011); and defining rational treatments for paroxysmal bursting in axons based on the dynamical analysis of Coggan et al (2011). 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engineering, biomedical,neurosciences
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
Human Brain Networks: Spiking Neuron Models, Multistability, Synchronization, Thermodynamics, Maximum Entropy Production, and Anesthetic Cascade Mechanisms
Wassim Haddad,Qing Hui,James Bailey
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e16073939
IF: 2.738
Abstract:Advances in neuroscience have been closely linked to mathematical modeling beginning with the integrate-and-fire model of Lapicque and proceeding through the modeling of the action potential by Hodgkin and Huxley to the current era. The fundamental building block of the central nervous system, the neuron, may be thought of as a dynamic element that is “excitable”, and can generate a pulse or spike whenever the electrochemical potential across the cell membrane of the neuron exceeds a threshold. A key application of nonlinear dynamical systems theory to the neurosciences is to study phenomena of the central nervous system that exhibit nearly discontinuous transitions between macroscopic states. A very challenging and clinically important problem exhibiting this phenomenon is the induction of general anesthesia. In any specific patient, the transition from consciousness to unconsciousness as the concentration of anesthetic drugs increases is very sharp, resembling a thermodynamic phase transition. This paper focuses on multistability theory for continuous and discontinuous dynamical systems having a set of multiple isolated equilibria and/or a continuum of equilibria. Multistability is the property whereby the solutions of a dynamical system can alternate between two or more mutually exclusive Lyapunov stable and convergent equilibrium states under asymptotically slowly changing inputs or system parameters. In this paper, we extend the theory of multistability to continuous, discontinuous, and stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems. In particular, Lyapunov-based tests for multistability and synchronization of dynamical systems with continuously differentiable and absolutely continuous flows are established. The results are then applied to excitatory and inhibitory biological neuronal networks to explain the underlying mechanism of action for anesthesia and consciousness from a multistable dynamical system perspective, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for general anesthesia using the network properties of the brain. Finally, we present some key emergent properties from the fields of thermodynamics and electromagnetic field theory to qualitatively explain the underlying neuronal mechanisms of action for anesthesia and consciousness.
physics, multidisciplinary
Theory of Coupled Neuronal-Synaptic Dynamics
David G. Clark,L. F. Abbott,David G. Clark and L. F. Abbott
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevx.14.021001
Physical Review X
Abstract:In neural circuits, synaptic strengths influence neuronal activity by shaping network dynamics, and neuronal activity influences synaptic strengths through activity-dependent plasticity. Motivated by this fact, we study a recurrent-network model in which neuronal units and synaptic couplings are interacting dynamic variables, with couplings subject to Hebbian modification with decay around quenched random strengths. Rather than assigning a specific role to the plasticity, we use dynamical mean-field theory and other techniques to systematically characterize the neuronal-synaptic dynamics, revealing a rich phase diagram. Adding Hebbian plasticity slows activity in already chaotic networks and can induce chaos in otherwise quiescent networks. Anti-Hebbian plasticity quickens activity and produces an oscillatory component. Analysis of the Jacobian shows that Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity push locally unstable modes toward the real and imaginary axes, respectively, explaining these behaviors. Both random-matrix and Lyapunov analysis show that strong Hebbian plasticity segregates network timescales into two bands, with a slow, synapse-dominated band driving the dynamics, suggesting a flipped view of the network as synapses connected by neurons. For increasing strength, Hebbian plasticity initially raises the complexity of the dynamics, measured by the maximum Lyapunov exponent and attractor dimension, but then decreases these metrics, likely due to the proliferation of stable fixed points. We compute the marginally stable spectra of such fixed points as well as their number, showing exponential growth with network size. Finally, in chaotic states with strong Hebbian plasticity, a stable fixed point of neuronal dynamics is destabilized by synaptic dynamics, allowing any neuronal state to be stored as a stable fixed point by halting the plasticity. This phase of freezable chaos offers a new mechanism for working memory. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.14.021001 Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Published by the American Physical Society
physics, multidisciplinary
Computational neuroscience: a comprehensive approach
Jianfeng Feng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5860/choice.41-5284
Choice Reviews Online
Abstract:A THEORETICAL OVERVIEW Introduction Deterministic Dynamical Systems Stochastic Dynamical Systems Information Theory Optimal Control ATOMISTIC SIMULATIONS OF ION CHANNELS Introduction Simulation Methods Selected Applications Outlook MODELING NEURONAL CALCIUM DYNAMICS Introduction Basic Principles Special Calcium Signaling for Neurons Conclusions STRUCTURE BASED MODELS OF NO DIFFUSION IN THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Introduction Methods Results Exploring Functional Roles with More Abstract Models Conclusions STOCHASTIC MODELING OF SINGLE ION CHANNELS Introduction Some Basic Probability Single Channel Models Transition Probabilities, Macroscopic Currents and Noise Macroscopic Currents and Noise Behaviour of Single Channels under Equilibrium Conditions Time Interval Omission Some Miscellaneous Topics THE BIOPHYSICAL BASIS OF FIRING VARIABILITY IN CORTICAL NEURONS Introduction Typical Input is Correlated and Irregular Synaptic Unreliability Postsynaptic Ion Channel Noise Integration of a Transient Input by Cortical Neurons Noisy Spike Generation Dynamics Dynamics of NMDA Receptors Class 1 and Class 2 Neurons Show Different Noise Sensitivities Cortical Cell Dynamical Classes Implications for Synchronous Firing Conclusions Generating Models of Single Neurons Introduction The Hypothalamo-Hypophysial System Statistical Methods to Investigate The Intrinsic Mechanisms Underlying Spike Patterning Summary and Conclusions GENERATING QUANTITATIVELY ACCURATE, BUT COMPUTATIONALLY CONCISE, MODELS OF SINGLE NEURONS Introduction The Hypothalamo-hypophysial System Statistical Methods to Investigate the Intrinsic Mechanisms Underlying Spike Patterning Summary and Conclusions BURSTING ACTIVITY IN WEAKLY ELECTRIC FISH Introduction Overview of the Electrosensory System Feature Extraction by Spike Bursts Factors Shaping Burst Firing In Vivo Conditional Action Potential Back Propagation Controls Burst Firing In Vitro Comparison with Other Bursting Neurons Conclusions LIKELIHOOD METHODS FOR NEURAL SPIKE TRAIN DATA ANALYSIS Introduction Theory Applications Conclusion Appendix BIOLOGICALLY-DETAILED NETWORK MODELING Introduction Cells Synapses Connections Inputs Implementation Validation Conclusions HEBBIAN LEARNING AND SPIKE-TIMING-DEPENDENT PLASTICITY Hebbian Models of Plasticity Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Role of Constraints in Hebbian Learning Competitive Hebbian Learning Through STDP Temporal Aspects of STDP STDP in a Network Conclusion CORRELATED NEURONAL ACTIVITY: HIGH-AND LOW-LEVEL VIEWS Introduction: the Timing Game Functional Roles for Spike Timing Correlations Arising from Common input Correlations Arising from Local Network Interactions When Are Neurons Sensitive to Correlated Input? A Simple, Quantitative Model Correlations and Neuronal Variability Conclusion Appendix A CASE STUDY OF POPULATION CODING: STIMULUS LOCALIZATION IN THE BARREL CORTEX Introduction Series Expansion Method The Whisker System Coding in the Whisker System Discussion Conclusions MODELING FLY MOTION VISION The Fly Motion Vision System: An Overview Mechanisms of Local Motion Detection: The Correlation Detector Spatial Processing of Local Motion Signals BY Lobula Plate Tangential Cells Conclusions MEAN-FIELD THEORY OF IRREGULARLY SPIKING NEURONAL POPULATIONS AND WORKING MEMORY IN RECURRENT CORTICAL NETWORKS Introduction Firing-Rate and Variability of a Spiking Neuron with Noisy input Self-Consistent Theory of Recurrent Cortical Circuits THE OPERATION OF MEMORY SYSTEMS IN THE BRAIN Introduction Functions of the Hippocampus in Long-Term Memory Short Term Memory Systems Invariant Visual Object Recognition Visual Stimulus-Reward Association, Emotion, and Motivation Effects of Mood on Memory and Visual Processing MODELING MOTOR CONTROL PARADIGMS Introduction: The Ecological Nature of Motor Control The Robotic Perspective The Biological Perspective The Role of Cerebellum in the Coordination of Multiple Joints Controlling Unstable Plants Motor Learning Paradigms COMPUTATIONAL MODELS FOR GENERIC CORTICAL MICROCIRCUITS Introduction A Conceptual Framework for Real-Time Neural Computation The Generic Neural Microcircuit Model Towards a Non-Turing theory for Real-Time Neural Computation A Generic Neural Microcircuit on the Computational Test Stand Temporal integration and Kernel Function of Neural Microcircuit Models Software for Evaluating the Computational Capabilities of Neural Microcircuit Models Discussion MODELING PRIMATE VISUAL ATTENTION Introduction Brain Areas Bottom-Up Control Top-Down Modulation of Early Vision Top-Down Deployment of Attention Attention and Scene Understanding Discussion
Nonlinear brain dynamics as macroscopic manifestation of underlying many-body field dynamics
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plrev.2006.02.001
IF: 9.833
Physics of Life Reviews
Abstract:Neural activity patterns related to behavior occur at many scales in time and space from the atomic and molecular to the whole brain. Patterns form through interactions in both directions, so that the impact of transmitter molecule release can be analyzed to larger scales through synapses, dendrites, neurons, populations and brain systems to behavior, and control of that release can be described step-wise through transforms to smaller scales. Here we explore the feasibility of interpreting neurophysiological data in the context of many-body physics by using tools that physicists have devised to analyze comparable hierarchies in other fields of science. We focus on a mesoscopic level that offers a multi-step pathway between the microscopic functions of neurons and the macroscopic functions of brain systems revealed by hemodynamic imaging. We use electroencephalographic (EEG) records collected from high-density electrode arrays fixed on the epidural surfaces of primary sensory and limbic areas in rabbits and cats trained to discriminate conditioned stimuli (CS) in the various modalities. High temporal resolution of EEG signals with the Hilbert transform gives evidence for diverse intermittent spatial patterns of amplitude (AM) and phase modulations (PM) of carrier waves that repeatedly re-synchronize in the beta and gamma ranges in very short time lags over very long distances. The dominant mechanism for neural interactions by axodendritic synaptic transmission should impose distance-dependent delays on the EEG oscillations owing to finite propagation velocities and sequential synaptic delays. It does not. EEGs show evidence for anomalous dispersion: neural populations have a low velocity range of information and energy transfers, and a high velocity range of the spread of phase transitions. This distinction labels the phenomenon but does not explain it. In this report we analyze these phenomena using concepts of energy dissipation, the maintenance by cortex of multiple ground states corresponding to AM patterns, and the exclusive selection by spontaneous breakdown of symmetry (SBS) of single states in sequential phase transitions.
The time is ripe to reverse engineer an entire nervous system: simulating behavior from neural interactions
Gal Haspel,Ben Baker,Isabel Beets,Edward S Boyden,Jeffrey Brown,George Church,Netta Cohen,Daniel Colon-Ramos,Eva Dyer,Christopher Fang-Yen,Steven Flavell,Miriam B Goodman,Anne C Hart,Eduardo J Izquierdo,Konstantinos Kagias,Shawn Lockery,Yangning Lu,Adam Marblestone,Jordan Matelsky,Brett Mensh,Talmo D Pereira,Hanspeter Pfister,Kanaka Rajan,Horacio G Rotstein,Monika Scholz,Joshua W. Shaevitz,Eli Shlizerman,Quilee Simeon,Michael A Skuhersky,Vineet Tiruvadi,Vivek Venkatachalam,Donglai Wei,Brock Wester,Guangyu Robert Yang,Eviatar Yemini,Manuel Zimmer,Konrad P Kording
Abstract:Just like electrical engineers understand how microprocessors execute programs in terms of how transistor currents are affected by their inputs, neuroscientists want to understand behavior production in terms of how neuronal outputs are affected by their inputs and internal states. This dependency of neuronal outputs on inputs can be described by a state-dependent input-output (IO)-function. However, to reliably identify these IO-functions, we need to perturb each input and combinations of inputs while observing all the outputs. Here, we argue that such completeness is possible in C. elegans; a complete description that goes all the way from the activity of every neuron to predict behavior. The established and growing toolkit of optophysiology can non-invasively capture and control every neuron's activity and scale to countless experiments. The information from many such experiments can be pooled while capturing the inter-individual variability because neuronal identity and function are largely conserved across individuals. Just like electrical engineers use transistor IO-functions to simulate program execution, we argue that neuronal IO-functions could be used to simulate the impressive breadth of brain states and behaviors of C. elegans.
Neurons and Cognition
Neuroscience out of control: control-theoretic perspectives on neural circuit dynamics
Ta-Chu Kao,Guillaume Hennequin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conb.2019.09.001
IF: 7.07
Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Abstract:<p>A major challenge in systems neuroscience is to understand how the dynamics of neural circuits give rise to behaviour. Analysis of complex dynamical systems is also at the heart of control engineering, where it is central to the design of robust control strategies. Although a rich engineering literature has grown over decades to facilitate the analysis of such systems, little of it has percolated into neuroscience so far. Here, we give a brief introduction to a number of core control-theoretic concepts that provide useful perspectives on neural circuit dynamics. We introduce important mathematical tools related to these concepts, and establish connections to neural circuit analysis, focusing on a number of themes that have arisen from the modern 'state-space' view on neural population dynamics.</p>
Understanding the dynamics of biological and neural oscillator networks through exact mean-field reductions: a review
Christian Bick,Marc Goodfellow,Carlo R. Laing,Erik A. Martens
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13408-020-00086-9
Abstract:Many biological and neural systems can be seen as networks of interacting periodic processes. Importantly, their functionality depends on the emerging collective dynamics of the network. Synchrony of oscillations is one of the most prominent examples of such collective behavior and has been associated both with function and dysfunction. Understanding how network structure and interactions, as well as the microscopic properties of individual units, shape the emerging collective dynamics is critical to find factors that lead to malfunction. However, many biological systems such as the brain consist of a large number of dynamical units. Hence, their analysis has either relied on simplified heuristic models on a coarse scale, or the analysis comes at a huge computational cost. Here we review recently introduced approaches, known as the Ott-Antonsen and Watanabe-Strogatz reductions, allowing one to simplify the analysis by bridging small and large scales. Thus, reduced model equations are obtained that exactly describe the collective dynamics for each subpopulation in the oscillator network via few collective variables only. The resulting equations are next-generation models: Rather than being heuristic, they exactly link microscopic and macroscopic descriptions and therefore accurately capture microscopic properties of the underlying system. At the same time, they are sufficiently simple to analyze without great computational effort. In the last decade, these reduction methods have become instrumental in understanding how network structure and interactions shape the collective dynamics and the emergence of synchrony. We review this progress based on concrete examples and outline possible limitations. Finally, we discuss how linking the reduced models with experimental data can guide the way towards the development of new treatment approaches, for example, for neurological disease.
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems,Dynamical Systems,Pattern Formation and Solitons,Biological Physics
From individual spiking neurons to population behavior: Systematic elimination of short-wavelength spatial modes
Moira L Steyn-Ross,D A Steyn-Ross
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.93.022402
Abstract:Mean-field models of the brain approximate spiking dynamics by assuming that each neuron responds to its neighbors via a naive spatial average that neglects local fluctuations and correlations in firing activity. In this paper we address this issue by introducing a rigorous formalism to enable spatial coarse-graining of spiking dynamics, scaling from the microscopic level of a single type 1 (integrator) neuron to a macroscopic assembly of spiking neurons that are interconnected by chemical synapses and nearest-neighbor gap junctions. Spiking behavior at the single-neuron scale ℓ≈10μm is described by Wilson's two-variable conductance-based equations [H. R. Wilson, J. Theor. Biol. 200, 375 (1999)], driven by fields of incoming neural activity from neighboring neurons. We map these equations to a coarser spatial resolution of grid length Bℓ, with B≫1 being the blocking ratio linking micro and macro scales. Our method systematically eliminates high-frequency (short-wavelength) spatial modes q(->) in favor of low-frequency spatial modes Q(->) using an adiabatic elimination procedure that has been shown to be equivalent to the path-integral coarse graining applied to renormalization group theory of critical phenomena. This bottom-up neural regridding allows us to track the percolation of synaptic and ion-channel noise from the single neuron up to the scale of macroscopic population-average variables. Anticipated applications of neural regridding include extraction of the current-to-firing-rate transfer function, investigation of fluctuation criticality near phase-transition tipping points, determination of spatial scaling laws for avalanche events, and prediction of the spatial extent of self-organized macrocolumnar structures. As a first-order exemplar of the method, we recover nonlinear corrections for a coarse-grained Wilson spiking neuron embedded in a network of identical diffusively coupled neurons whose chemical synapses have been disabled. Intriguingly, we find that reblocking transforms the original type 1 Wilson integrator into a type 2 resonator whose spike-rate transfer function exhibits abrupt spiking onset with near-vertical takeoff and chaotic dynamics just above threshold.
Neuromimetic Control -- A Linear Model Paradigm
John Baillieul,Zexin Sun
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2104.12926
Abstract:Stylized models of the neurodynamics that underpin sensory motor control in animals are proposed and studied. The voluntary motions of animals are typically initiated by high level intentions created in the primary cortex through a combination of perceptions of the current state of the environment along with memories of past reactions to similar states. Muscle movements are produced as a result of neural processes in which the parallel activity of large multiplicities of neurons generate signals that collectively lead to desired actions. Essential to coordinated muscle movement are intentionality, prediction, regions of the cortex dealing with misperceptions of sensory cues, and a significant level of resilience with respect to disruptions in the neural pathways through which signals must propagate. While linear models of feedback control systems have been well studied over decades, this paper proposes and analyzes a class of models whose aims are to capture some of the essential features of neural control of movement. Whereas most linear models of feedback systems entail a state component whose dimension is higher than the number of inputs or outputs, the work that follows will treat models in which the numbers of input and output channels greatly exceed the state dimension. While we begin by considering continuous time systems, the aim will be to treat systems whose evolution involves classes of inputs that emulate neural spike trains. Within the proposed class of models, the paper will study resilience to channel dropouts, the ways in which noise and uncertainty can be mitigated by an appropriate notion of consensus among noisy inputs, and finally, by a simple model in which binary activations of a multiplicity of input channels produce a dynamic response that closely approximates the dynamics of a prescribed linear system whose inputs are continuous functions of time.
Systems and Control
Editorial: Understanding the role of oscillations, mutual information and synchronization in perception and action
Andreas Bahmer,Johanna M. Rimmele,Daya Shankar Gupta
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fncom.2024.1452001
IF: 3.387
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
Abstract:Editorial on the research topic "Understanding the Role of Oscillations, Mutual Information and Synchronization in Perception and Action"Andreas Bahmer1, Johanna M. Rimmele2,3, Daya Shankar Gupta41 RheinMain University of Applied Sciences, Campus Rüsselsheim, Wiesbaden, Germany2 Department of Cognitive Neuropsychology, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Max Planck Society, Frankfurt, Germany3 Max Planck NYU Center for Language, Music, and Emotion, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, New York, NY, USA4South University, Savannah, United StatesIntroductionThe research topic focuses on the role of neural activities in the brain during action and perception. It features 8 articles that include research on increased synchronized spiking and neural oscillations across different bandwidths. During interactions with the external world, the brain's processing of information leads to a rise in mutual information and a decrease in surprise (Gupta and Bahmer, 2019). Mutual information serves as a broad indicator of how strongly two variables are related (Gupta and Bahmer, 2019). Prior research has highlighted the critical role of such coupling across time in various sensory tasks (Bahmer and Gupta, 2018; Rimmele et al. 2018; Gross et al, 2013; Haegen and Golumbic, 2018). Recent studies featured in the Frontiers Research Topic "Understanding the Importance of Temporal Coupling of Neural Activities in Information Processing Underlying Action and Perception" (Gupta and Bahmer, 2021) on the role of synchronization of neural activity emphasize coupling when neural activities align in time. This process, in turn, can decrease the randomness in neural activities, thereby enhancing the efficiency of information processing related to both action and perception. The discussed research in this research topic aims to further explore the importance of temporal coupling in neural activities for information processing, and correlations through different methodologies including computational models and clinical studies. The goal is to deepen understanding of how synchronization and other forms of temporal linkage in brain activities contribute to information flow and processing.ContributionsAll articles revolve around the theme of temporal information processing, they vary in their focus, targeted audience, methodologies, and conclusions, highlighting the diverse approaches and applications (see table 1 for an overview). Some articles are aimed at clinicians or researchers interested in specific disorders (e.g., dyslexia, stuttering), while others have a broader scope in understanding neural processing in typical populations.Authors Type Group Method ModalityCariani and Baker Hypothesis and Theory Human, animals In vivo recordings, simulation,EEG,...l Predominantly auditoryGansel Hypothesis and Theory Human, animals In vivo recordings, simulation,EEG,... -Zobaer et al. Original Research Rats Simulation and data analysis HippocampusGoldsworthy Original Research Humans Simulation AuditoryBarzan et al. Methods Humans, mice In vivo recordings, EEG VisualGnanateja et al. Mini Review humans MEG, EEG Auditory: Speech and musicBarbero et al. Original research humans EEG (ASSR) AuditoryAssaneo et al. Original research humans Questionnaire, speech analysis Auditory: speechEncoding and representation of informationThe critical roles that synchronization, neural oscillations, and temporal patterns play in brain function, specifically in the encoding, processing, and retrieval of information is explored by Cariani and Baker and by Gansel. They show the importance of precise timing and synchronization of neuronal discharges in supporting cognitive functions. Cariani and Baker discuss a broad range of hypothetical and observed relationships between neural codes, synchronies, oscillations, and the neural network architectures required to support these processes. They propose alternative neural architectures inspired by principles from radio communication, such as modulation and demodulation, holography like storage by spike-correlation and temporal wave-interference based operations or distributed content-addressable memory, to better understand and mimic the brain's ability to manage complex information processing tasks through temporal patterns and synchronization. If the temporal patterns of memory traces align with those of active neural representations, then it becomes possible to create distributed, hologram-like, content-addressable memories through resonances of these temporal patterns.Gansel focuses on the synchronization of neuronal discharges on the millisecond scale as a fundamental characteristic of neural activity, important for coding and cognitive functions. He introduces the "synchrony through synaptic plasticity" hypothesis which results in several predictions.First, the position of the cells in the network, as well as the source of their input signals, would be irrelevant as long as -Abstract Truncated-
neurosciences,mathematical & computational biology
Neural networks with dynamical synapses: from mixed-mode oscillations and spindles to chaos
K.-E. Lee,A. V. Goltsev,M. A. Lopes,J. F. F. Mendes
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4776517
Abstract:Understanding of short-term synaptic depression (STSD) and other forms of synaptic plasticity is a topical problem in neuroscience. Here we study the role of STSD in the formation of complex patterns of brain rhythms. We use a cortical circuit model of neural networks composed of irregular spiking excitatory and inhibitory neurons having type 1 and 2 excitability and stochastic dynamics. In the model, neurons form a sparsely connected network and their spontaneous activity is driven by random spikes representing synaptic noise. Using simulations and analytical calculations, we found that if the STSD is absent, the neural network shows either asynchronous behavior or regular network oscillations depending on the noise level. In networks with STSD, changing parameters of synaptic plasticity and the noise level, we observed transitions to complex patters of collective activity: mixed-mode and spindle oscillations, bursts of collective activity, and chaotic behaviour. Interestingly, these patterns are stable in a certain range of the parameters and separated by critical boundaries. Thus, the parameters of synaptic plasticity can play a role of control parameters or switchers between different network states. However, changes of the parameters caused by a disease may lead to dramatic impairment of ongoing neural activity. We analyze the chaotic neural activity by use of the 0-1 test for chaos (Gottwald, G. & Melbourne, I., 2004) and show that it has a collective nature.
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Biological Physics,Neurons and Cognition
Neuromodulation and homeostasis: complementary mechanisms for robust neural function
Arthur Fyon,Guillaume Drion
Abstract:Neurons depend on two interdependent mechanisms-homeostasis and neuromodulation-to maintain robust and adaptable functionality. Homeostasis stabilizes neuronal activity by adjusting ionic conductances, whereas neuromodulation dynamically modifies ionic properties in response to external signals. Combining these mechanisms in conductance-based models often produces unreliable outcomes, particularly when sharp neuromodulation interferes with homeostatic tuning. This study explores how a biologically inspired neuromodulation controller can harmonize with homeostasis to ensure reliable neuronal function. Using computational models of stomatogastric ganglion and dopaminergic neurons, we demonstrate that controlled neuromodulation preserves neuronal firing patterns while maintaining intracellular calcium levels. Unlike sharp neuromodulation, the neuromodulation controller integrates activity-dependent feedback through mechanisms mimicking G-protein-coupled receptor cascades. The interaction between these controllers critically depends on the existence of an intersection in conductance space, representing a balance between target calcium levels and neuromodulated firing patterns. Maximizing neuronal degeneracy enhances the likelihood of such intersections, enabling robust modulation and compensation for channel blockades. We further show that this controller pairing extends to network-level activity, reliably modulating central pattern generators in crustaceans. These findings suggest that targeting neuromodulation pathways-rather than ion channels directly-may offer safer pharmacological strategies to manage neuronal dysfunctions. This study highlights the complementary roles of homeostasis and neuromodulation, proposing a unified control framework for maintaining robust and adaptive neural activity under physiological and pathological conditions.
Neurons and Cognition,Dynamical Systems
Chaos in homeostatically regulated neural systems
Wilten Nicola,Peter John Hellyer,Sue Ann Campbell,Claudia Clopath
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5026489
Abstract:Low-dimensional yet rich dynamics often emerge in the brain. Examples include oscillations and chaotic dynamics during sleep, epilepsy, and voluntary movement. However, a general mechanism for the emergence of low dimensional dynamics remains elusive. Here, we consider Wilson-Cowan networks and demonstrate through numerical and analytical work that homeostatic regulation of the network firing rates can paradoxically lead to a rich dynamical repertoire. The dynamics include mixed-mode oscillations, mixed-mode chaos, and chaotic synchronization when the homeostatic plasticity operates on a moderately slower time scale than the firing rates. This is true for a single recurrently coupled node, pairs of reciprocally coupled nodes without self-coupling, and networks coupled through experimentally determined weights derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging data. In all cases, the stability of the homeostatic set point is analytically determined or approximated. The dynamics at the network level are directly determined by the behavior of a single node system through synchronization in both oscillatory and non-oscillatory states. Our results demonstrate that rich dynamics can be preserved under homeostatic regulation or even be caused by homeostatic regulation.
Widespread neuronal chaos induced by slow oscillating currents
James Scully,Carter Hinsley,David Bloom,Hil G.E. Meijer,Andrey L. Shilnikov
Abstract:This paper investigates the origin and onset of chaos in a mathematical model of an individual neuron, arising from the intricate interaction between 3D fast and 2D slow dynamics governing its intrinsic currents. Central to the chaotic dynamics are multiple homoclinic connections and bifurcations of saddle equilibria and periodic orbits. This neural model reveals a rich array of codimension-2 bifurcations, including Shilnikov-Hopf, Belyakov, Bautin, and Bogdanov-Takens points, which play a pivotal role in organizing the complex bifurcation structure of the parameter space. We explore various routes to chaos occurring at the intersections of quiescent, tonic-spiking, and bursting activity regimes within this space, and provide a thorough bifurcation analysis. Despite a high dimensionality of the model, its fast-slow dynamics allow a reduction to a one-dimensional return map, accurately capturing and explaining the complex dynamics of the neural model. Our approach integrates parameter continuation analysis, newly developed symbolic techniques, and Lyapunov exponents, collectively unveiling the intricate dynamical and bifurcation structures present in the system.
Dynamical Systems,Chaotic Dynamics
The dynamic brain: from spiking neurons to neural masses and cortical fields
Gustavo Deco,Viktor K Jirsa,Peter A Robinson,Michael Breakspear,Karl Friston
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000092
Abstract:The cortex is a complex system, characterized by its dynamics and architecture, which underlie many functions such as action, perception, learning, language, and cognition. Its structural architecture has been studied for more than a hundred years; however, its dynamics have been addressed much less thoroughly. In this paper, we review and integrate, in a unifying framework, a variety of computational approaches that have been used to characterize the dynamics of the cortex, as evidenced at different levels of measurement. Computational models at different space-time scales help us understand the fundamental mechanisms that underpin neural processes and relate these processes to neuroscience data. Modeling at the single neuron level is necessary because this is the level at which information is exchanged between the computing elements of the brain; the neurons. Mesoscopic models tell us how neural elements interact to yield emergent behavior at the level of microcolumns and cortical columns. Macroscopic models can inform us about whole brain dynamics and interactions between large-scale neural systems such as cortical regions, the thalamus, and brain stem. Each level of description relates uniquely to neuroscience data, from single-unit recordings, through local field potentials to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electroencephalogram (EEG), and magnetoencephalogram (MEG). Models of the cortex can establish which types of large-scale neuronal networks can perform computations and characterize their emergent properties. Mean-field and related formulations of dynamics also play an essential and complementary role as forward models that can be inverted given empirical data. This makes dynamic models critical in integrating theory and experiments. We argue that elaborating principled and informed models is a prerequisite for grounding empirical neuroscience in a cogent theoretical framework, commensurate with the achievements in the physical sciences.
How Can Anomalous-Diffusion Neural Networks Under Connectomics Generate Optimized Spatiotemporal Dynamics
Jiajin He,Min Xiao,Wenwu Yu,Zhengxin Wang,Xiangyu Du,Wei Xing Zheng
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3442269
Abstract:Spatiotemporal dynamics in the brain have been recognized as strongly related to the formation of perceived and cognitive diseases, such as delusions and hallucinations in Alzheimer's disease. However, two practical considerations are rarely mentioned in related mechanism research: the connectomics networking and the anomalous diffusion generated by the complex medium between neurons and the complex topology of neural networks, respectively. Furthermore, how to optimize the corresponding dynamics behaviors has excellent implications for treating brain diseases. This article first realizes the networking under connectomics for an anomalous-diffusion single-neuron model and applies a nonlinear state feedback control to generate optimized dynamic behaviors, which provides a paradigm of nonequilibrium self-organization driven by anomalous diffusion. Then, by tracing the root distribution of the characteristic equation, some controlled conditions causing or inhibiting Turing instability and Hopf bifurcation are deduced, and the effects of self-diffusion and cross diffusion on Turing instability range are also revealed. At last, thorough numerical simulations are updated to illustrate the results. It is emphasized that delay, self-diffusion, cross diffusion, and fractional order occupy dominant positions in determining the network's spatiotemporal dynamics, and utilizing the control strategy can efficiently reduce Turing instability and delay Hopf bifurcation.
A Quantitative Overview of Biophysical Forces Governing Neural Function
Jerel Mueller,William J. Tyler
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1478-3975/11/5/051001
Abstract:The Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) model is the currently accepted formalism of neuronal excitability. However, the HH model does not capture a number of biophysical behaviors associated with action potentials or propagating nerve impulses. Physical mechanisms underlying these processes, such as reversible heat transfer and axonal swelling have been separately investigated and compartmentally modeled to indicate the nervous system is not purely electrical or biochemical. Rather, mechanical forces and principles of thermodynamics also govern neuronal excitability and signaling. To advance our understanding of neural function and dysfunction, compartmentalized analyses of electrical, chemical, and mechanical processes need to revaluated and integrated into more comprehensive theories. The present quantitative perspective is intended to broaden the awareness of known biophysical phenomena, which are often overlooked in neuroscience. By starting to consider the collective influence of the biophysical forces influencing neural function, new paradigms can be applied to the characterization and manipulation of nervous systems.
Neurons and Cognition,Biological Physics
Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs
Lester Ingber,Paul L. Nunez
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1004.4322
Abstract:The dynamic behavior of scalp potentials (EEG) is apparently due to some combination of global and local processes with important top-down and bottom-up interactions across spatial scales. In treating global mechanisms, we stress the importance of myelinated axon propagation delays and periodic boundary conditions in the cortical-white matter system, which is topologically close to a spherical shell. By contrast, the proposed local mechanisms are multiscale interactions between cortical columns via short-ranged non-myelinated fibers. A mechanical model consisting of a stretched string with attached nonlinear springs demonstrates the general idea. The string produces standing waves analogous to large-scale coherence EEG observed in some brain states. The attached springs are analogous to the smaller (mesoscopic) scale columnar dynamics. Generally, we expect string displacement and EEG at all scales to result from both global and local phenomena. A statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI) calculates oscillatory behavior consistent with typical EEG, within columns, between neighboring columns via short-ranged non-myelinated fibers, across cortical regions via myelinated fibers, and also derive a string equation consistent with the global EEG model.
Neurons and Cognition
Neuronal Response Impedance Mechanism Implementing Cooperative Networks with Low Firing Rates and Microseconds Precision
Roni Vardi,Amir Goldental,Hagar Marmari,Haya Brama,Edward Stern,Shira Sardi,Pinhas Sabo,Ido Kanter
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fncir.2015.00029
Abstract:Realizations of low firing rates in neural networks usually require globally balanced distributions among excitatory and inhibitory links, while feasibility of temporal coding is limited by neuronal millisecond precision. We show that cooperation, governing global network features, emerges through nodal properties, as opposed to link distributions. Using in vitro and in vivo experiments we demonstrate microsecond precision of neuronal response timings under low stimulation frequencies, whereas moderate frequencies result in a chaotic neuronal phase characterized by degraded precision. Above a critical stimulation frequency, which varies among neurons, response failures were found to emerge stochastically such that the neuron functions as a low pass filter, saturating the average inter-spike-interval. This intrinsic neuronal response impedance mechanism leads to cooperation on a network level, such that firing rates are suppressed towards the lowest neuronal critical frequency simultaneously with neuronal microsecond precision. Our findings open up opportunities of controlling global features of network dynamics through few nodes with extreme properties.
Neurons and Cognition,Statistical Mechanics,Biological Physics