Analysis of Student Engagement: ECE Educators Teaching Skills Strengthening Courses in Distance Education
Siti Aisyah,Widiasih,Sandra Sukmaning Adji,Andayani,Suryo Prabowo,Siti Hadianti,Zakirman
JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini
Abstract:Early childhood teacher education programs must figure out how to effectively educate the workforce as classrooms become more diverse due to children varied cultural backgrounds and skills. This study aims to analyse student involvement in the Strengthening of Early Childhood Educators Teaching Skills course in distance education. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research participants were 405 students of the Department of Early Childhood Education, consisting of 90% women aged between 20-55 years and an average age of 31 years. The research findings show that at the level of academic challenge, most students agree that the ECE Educators Teaching Skills Strengthening (TSS) course brings new ideas and certain experiences and is very helpful in applying theory or concepts to practical problems. Indicators of active/collaborative learning indicate that hands-on experiences help students work more effectively with others. Meanwhile, the student-faculty interaction component shows that they have carried out two-way discussions regarding material assessment and practice. Additionally, online tutorials have provided quick feedback on assignments and guidance in compiling practice reports. The student learning experience is greatly helped by the TSS course. Students acquire new knowledge and skills to support their profession as teachers.
Keywords: early childhood educators, engagement, teaching skill, distance education
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