The role of the principle of integrity in copyright protection

Olena Shtefan
Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property
Abstract:Shtefan O. The role of the principle of integrity in copyright protection.The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of the principle of good faith as the quintessence of all principles of law, universal principle, which applies both in procedural and material law. Directly in the article, the principle of good faith is revealed through the prism of the analysis of controversial legal relations arising in copyright relations.The application of the principle of fair use of works is aimed at establishing a balance between the interests of authors of works and the interests of society regarding their use, while sometimes it is used to expand the monopoly of copyright.Analysis of the legislation and case law of Canada, Australia and other countries allows us to define the principle of «fair dealing» as a way to protect («affirmative defense ») from copyright infringement and restrictions, rather than as a statutory right to use someone else’s work. Otherwise, the defendant would be burdened with proving that: 1) the use corresponds to one of those listed in Art. 29 goals (for example, research, criticism or news); 2) the use was «fair» and 3) there were references to the original source.According to the results of the study in the scientific article it was concluded that the existence in the Anglo-Saxon legal family of two conceptually different in the application of doctrines of fair use «fair use» and «fair dealing» and understanding the free use of works in Ukraine, as in other countries in continental Europe, closer to the doctrine of «fair dealing», which implies a statutory list of actions that are classified as fair use, than to the doctrine of «fair use», which operates in the United States. Although it is possible to trace some similarities between the understanding of free use in the Civil Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On Copyright and Related Rights» and the doctrine of «fair dealing» (given the statutory list of restrictions on copyright), it is necessary to take into account case law and, accordingly, a more «free» interpretationof the applicable law when the courts decide whether the use is a violation of exclusive rights or is an activity within the framework of free (fair) use. Keywords: copyright, illegal use of copyright objects, the principle of justice, thedoctrine of «fair use», the doctrine of «fair dealing».
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