The Relationships Between Four Candidate Functional Genes and Schizophrenia
Abstract:Objects Polymorphism of genes for dopamine D 2 receptor promoter (DRD2P), 5 HT 2A receptor (5 HT 2A ), catechol o methyltransferase (COMT), and monoamine oxidase A type (MAO A) were examined synchronously for exploring the genetic factors related to schizophrenia Methods Forty three pedigrees with at least two siblings affected schizophrenia according to ICD 10 criteria and biological parents alive were recruited The Chinese versions of the Diagnosis interview for Genetics Study (DIGS) and the Family Interview for Genetics Study (FIGS) were fulfilled Genomic DNA was isolated from lymphocytes by a standard procedure After polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the cleavage was done Then the genotypes were read by 1% agarose gel electrophoresis with 100 bp DNA ladder The chi square test, correlation analyses, and the transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) were employed Results (1) No significantly different distribution between groups of parents, non affected siblings and affected siblings was found, when polymorphism of DRD2P, 5 HT 2A , and COMT were analyzed But significantly different distribution of genotype or allele was found, when comparing with 941A/941G and 941G/941G genotypes of MAO A between groups of parents and non affected siblings, or parents and affected siblings No significant difference, however, was found between the groups of non affected siblings and affected siblings (2) 941G allele of MAO A was transmitted significantly more to affected siblings from parents (χ 2= 5 33, P 0 05, OR =3 32,95% CI : 1 58 6 99) And 941A allele of MAO A and -241A allele of gene for DRD2 promoter were transmitted significantly more to non affected siblings from parents (χ 2=4 84, P 0 05, OR =6 04, 95% CI : 2 01 18 69) But both T102G polymorphism of 5 HT 2A and Val108Met polymorphism of COMT were not found to have significant transmission disequilibrium ( P 0 05) (3) Significant relationship was found between genotype of gene for DRD2P promoter, or COMT, or MAO A and schizophrenic clinical features, but not genotype of T102C polymorphism of 5 HT 2A Conclusions (1) Our results support hypothesis of DA dysfunction in the etiology of schizophrenia (2) From this study, we infer that there are relationships between these candidate genes and schizophrenia at different degree That is MAO ADRD2PCOMT5 HT 2A .