Activation of Cognitive Activity in Primary school students through Art

Luybov Gorina,Saratov State University,
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology
Abstract:In the theory and practice of teaching primary school students great deal of attention is paid to the issue of training effectiveness and, in particular, to the issue of cognitive activity’s activation in students. The relevance of this topic can be explained by the fact that introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of primary general education requires the teacher to know the new forms and methods of educational process organization, which could be feasible and effective in the modern conditions and interesting for children. In this article the author offers an efficient way of application of art-figurative means during the lessons in primary school. Art is the incentive of cognitive activity activation in children. Emotions give personal sense to received knowledge. The author considers the following forms of work with students: modeling of lessons, development of the technological card of a lesson, business game, and master classes. Students master methodical receptions: “transformation” into natural object, ordering of artistic images, and transformation of one art sample into another. The lessons developed by students were approved in practice at elementary school. Teachers noted positive influence of art means on activation of cognitive activity of elementary school pupils.
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