Human Resources Management influence on projects performance: A Study of Contractors Professionals Working on Construction Projects in Egypt
M S Ghattas,H A Bassioni,E F Gaid
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abstract:The Research is about the human resources management influence on Project Performance, A study related to contractors professionals that are working on construction projects in Egypt. Ten major HRM Factors (objectives and goals, job description, staffing and recruitment, training, communication, leadership, team relationship, retaining people, trust and values and finally appraisal and motivation) were assessed for their relation and influence on both cost and Time project performance, A sample of 105 respondents replied with how HRM factors were implemented and how were their team effectiveness on their Egyptian construction projects, also giving their actual project measuring of performance, analysis had been done including all collected data, descriptive analysis and also correlation tests were implemented in this study, mainly 8 HR factors out of 10 were significantly correlated with cost performance, also 4 out of 10 HR factors were significantly correlated with time performance. Results indicating that HRM Factors have an impact and relation to project performance, but not a governing factor.