Exploring Pervasive Entertainment Games to Construct Learning Paths

Jannicke Madeleine Baalsrud Hauge,Ioana Andreea Stefan,Antoniu Stefan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66715-7_21
Abstract:Digital Educational Games (DEGs) aim to provide motivating, personalized play experiences that blend learning and engagement, while addressing pedagogical requirements. The ultimate challenge is to enable and stimulate knowledge acquisition by creating rich environments that employ Entertainment Games (EGs) mechanics in order to accommodate learning objectives and support skills’ development. In recent years, the gap between EGs and DEGs has started to close, with studies looking not only into lessons learnt from EGs, but also into how EGs can be used in learning settings. This research analyses the possibility to integrate EGs mechanics into the pedagogical flows, in order to potentate learning. The paper further outline the design of a learning path that will be used as a unit on logistics and production means. The unit will be used for letting high school students explore functions of logistics and production (as a recruitment tool during the Open University days), as well as for the first introductionary course on production logistics.
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