Iryna Kovova,Olha Shpyrko,Daryna Kivalo
Collection of scientific research papers State University of Infrastructure and Technologies Section “Economics and Management”
Abstract:The role of financial management in insurance companies is becoming increasingly important, as insurance companies strive to respond to the uncertainty and instability of business conditions caused by military aggression, a sharp reduction in consumer and solvent demand, as well as to meet regulatory requirements that are undergoing transformation. The article examines the main reasons for the relevance of increasing attention to the theoretical and practicalresearch of financial management issues at insurers. The authors systematized the process of financial management in insurance companies, which consists of four interconnected complex stages: planning, accounting, analysis and control. The article offers a Checklist for checking the financial management department of an insurance company when implementing transformations, which consists of four consecutive questions, after receiving the answer to which insurers can adjust the implementation of such a transformation depending on the goals they want to achieve.The authors of the article establish a connection between the categories of financial management of the insurer and insurance managementThe authors structured and summarized the financial management system in insurance companies, which includes subsystems of external monitoring of the state of the insurance market and risk research for purpose of forecasting the company's activities and development prospects, and the subsystem of the insurer's internalrisk research.The article provides a concise analysis of the main trends of the insurance market in Ukraine during the period of a full-scale military invasion and systematizes the main points that insurers need to consider when managing their financial activities.The authors defined the main directions and ways of improving financial management in insurance companies based on a comprehensive and systematic approach, which include strategic planning, financial education of personnel, use of innovative technologies and digitization of the industry, effective risk management, etc