Economic innovations
Abstract:Topicality. The urgent need for modernization and neo-industrialization of industry, given the projected materialist nature of the sixth technological mode, is unconditional. After all, the fifth technological way, which ushered in the era of intangible post-industrial production (innovations in the field of microelectronics, information and bio-technologies, space exploration) (soft skills IT-technology), is coming to an end in developed countries. smart techology) is likely to focus on the synthesis of the use of tangible and intangible resources, the widespread use of nano- and biotechnologies, and those still in the process of discovery.One of the first priorities of the global development of the neo-industrial stage is based on the study of best practices, must adapt to modern Ukrainian realities at both national and regional levels, which determines the relevance of the study..Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to analyze and determine the preconditions and factors of cluster formation in modern conditions of neo-industrial modernization of the economy, to consider the example of self-organized scientific and educational cluster of relocated free economic zones and provide effective recommendations for certain regional systems.Research results. The idea of "smart specialization" (RIS3, Research and innovation strategies for smart-specialization, S3) has a scientific basis, has proven effective in overcoming the effects of the crisis of the global financial system, and, as a result, quickly gained popularity among European politicians. In addition, smart specialization and cluster model of economic development of the region, in the development of strategic documents, provided by regulations at both national and regional levels. It is stated that the principles of modernization of industrial development, digitalization and stimulation of innovation and investment activities should become a guide for old industrial regions of Ukraine in search of relevant and viable smart priorities for cluster development in the direction of European integration and Euro partnership. Comparative analysis of the criteria of technological development of social systems allowed to present the available evidence of belonging of the current stage of socio-economic development of Donetsk and Dnieper regions to the first phase of the neo-industrial stage of development. It is determined that for Ukraine the way of innovative transformation of the economy is a necessary way to reduce the significant gap in economic indicators with other countries, because it affects the inflow of investment, job creation, small and medium business development, potential work in global joint European and global projects. Clusters are recognized as one of the mechanisms for implementing priority areas of innovation to ensure the development of territorial communities in the region. It is proved that for Ukraine in the post-war period, the most convenient way to attract a lot of foreign investment are industrial parks, as the next link in the chain of integration into the European and world industrial ecosystems after the science park. In order to analyze the formation of scientific and educational space, the classification of relocated higher education institutions by their location. The effect of self-organization of the scientific and educational cluster for Donetsk and Prydiniprovsk regions is demonstrated.Conclusion. The article proves the need to provide a comprehensive approach to the formation of the vector of innovative development, which has as components scientific and industrial parks and aimed at integration into European and world economic and social systems. In order to continue the ongoing reforms, effective formation and operation of scientific and educational clusters, implementation in the national scientific and educational space of the best achievements and practices abroad, proposals for the implementation of a number of measures ranked by level of implementation (national, regional, local).