Array-Aware Matching: Taming the Complexity of Large-Scale Simulation Models
Massimo Fioravanti,Daniele Cattaneo,Federico Terraneo,Silvano Seva,Stefano Cherubin,Giovanni Agosta,Francesco Casella,Alberto Leva
Abstract:Equation-based modelling is a powerful approach to tame the complexity of large-scale simulation problems. Equation-based tools automatically translate models into imperative languages. When confronted with nowadays' problems, however, well assessed model translation techniques exhibit scalability issues, that are particularly severe when models contain very large arrays. In fact, such models can be made very compact by enclosing equations into looping constructs, but reflecting the same compactness into the translated imperative code is not trivial. In this paper, we face this issue by concentrating on a key step of equations-to-code translation, the equation/variable matching. We first show that an efficient translation of models with (large) arrays needs awareness of their presence, by defining a figure of merit to measure how much the looping constructs are preserved along the translation. We then show that the said figure of merit allows to define an optimal array-aware matching, and as our main result, that the so stated optimal array-aware matching problem is NP-complete. As an additional result, we propose a heuristic algorithm capable of performing array-aware matching in polynomial time. The proposed algorithm can be proficiently used by model translator developers in the implementation of efficient tools for large-scale system simulation.
Programming Languages