Modern Approaches to the Development of Personnel Management System: the Choice of Methods and Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personnel Training
R. Malikov,P. Isakova,V. Karpeeva,Р. Маликов,П. Исакова,В. Карпеева
Management of the personnel and intellectual resources in Russia
Abstract:The article discusses the model of professional training of enterprise personnel, potential personnel training pitfalls, tools and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of training. A matrix for selecting a personnel training method and a scheme for evaluating the effectiveness of personnel training are proposed. In today’s rapidly developing conditions to ensure the stability of the enterprise and increase the level of competitiveness, an important factor is the professional development of personnel, which must comply with the conditions of the internal and external environment. An important resource of each enterprise is highly qualified personnel, able to fulfill all the goals and objectives set for it. The staff performance is one of the indicators that affect the success of the enterprise. Proper investment in staff training will ultimately provide a solid, motivated, qualified staff that will bring profits to the company, as well as reduce staff turnover and ensure the growth of the productivity of each employee. For the effective functioning and development of the enterprise, management needs to create a constantly learning organization that is able to adapt to external changes and is ready to master innovative work methods and technologies to solve real problems of the company. Therefore, there is a need for new knowledge, the development of special skills and innovative approaches to the implementation of their professional duties. To do this, the management of the enterprise needs to systematically and purposefully send employees for training and retraining so that the acquired professional knowledge will contribute to the solution of the previous tasks in new non-standard, more efficient ways.
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