Oheo K. Haris
Jurnal Ius Constituendum
Abstract:TELAAH YURIDIS PENERAPAN SANKSI DI BAWAH MINIMUM KHUSUS PADA PERKARA PIDANA KHUSUS Oheo K. Haris The School of Law, University of Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pengadilan Negeri di lingkungan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang meliputi Pengadilan Negeri Sleman, kota Yogyakarta dan Bantul. Pengadilan tersebut dipilih dengan pertimbangan terdapat beberapa perkara yang menyangkut tindak pidana khusus. Tujuan penelitian : (1) untuk mengetahui apakah hakim boleh menjatuhkan sanksi di bawah standar minimum khusus pada perkara pidana khusus dan (2) untuk mengetahui apa dasar yuridis pemikiran hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pidana di bawah minimum khusus pada perkara pidana khusus. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka penelitian dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian hukum. Sampling meliputi subjek sampling yang ditentukan secara purposive. Bahan hukum terdiri dari: bahan hukum primer dan sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis dilakukan secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan : (1) Peranan hakim dalam penerapan sanksi minimum dalam tindak pidana khusus pada proses peradilan pidana sangat besar, yaitu sebagai pemberi putusan akhir, hakim berpedoman pada peraturan perundang-undangan. Dengan demikian, maka penulis berpendapat bahwa hakim tidak boleh menjatuhkan sanksi di bawah standar minimum. Dengan alasan bahwa negara Indonesia menganut Sistem Kontinental yakni hakim (sebagai pedoman pemidanaan) terikat oleh undangundang (aliran konservatif). Hal tersebut, sebagai realisasi asas the binding persuasive of precedent. Selain itu, konteks sanksi minimum yang terdapat dalam rumusan pasal terhadap tindak pidana khusus, secara terang dan jelas, terdapat pernyataan sanksi pidana yang memuat ketentuan maksimal dan minimal, sehingga tidak memerlukan penafsiran lanjutan. (2) Selain mengacu Pasal 103 KUHP dan 284 ayat (1) dan (2) KUHAP, dasar yuridis penerapan sanksi, hakim mengacu pada peraturan perundangundangan tindak pidana khusus yang mengatur ketentuan minimum khusus. Selain kedua pasal di atas, yurisprudensi dapat digunakan sebagai dasar yuridis dalam penjatuhan sanksi, dengan catatan, tetap mengacu ketentuan minimum sekurang-kurangya sama atau di atas minimum. Katakunci : Penerapan Sanksi dan Pidana Khusus THE JURIDIS STUDY OF SANCTION APPLICATIONS UNDER SPECIAL MINIMUM ON SPECIAL CREDIT CODES Oheo K.Haris The School of Law, University of Halu Oleo, Kendari, Indonesia This research was carried out in the District Court in the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region covering the District Court of Sleman, the city of Yogyakarta and Bantul. The court was chosen with consideration of several matters involving special crimes. The objectives of the study are: (1) to determine whether a judge may impose sanctions below minimum standards specifically on special criminal cases and (2) to find out what the judicial mind's juridical grounds in imposing criminal sanctions are below a special minimum on special criminal cases. To achieve these objectives, the research was conducted by using the research design law. Sampling includes the subject of sampling which is determined purposively. Legal material consists of: primary and secondary legal materials, they were collected through interviews and documentation. The analysis was done qualitatively. The results of the research show: (1) the judge had a big role in the application of minimum sanction in a special criminal act in the criminal justice process, namely as the final decision maker, the judge is guided by the legislation. Thus, the researcher argues that the judge should not impose sanctions below minimum standards. For that reason, the Indonesian state embraces the Continental System ie the judge (as a guideline of punishment) is bound by the law (conservative school). That is, as the realization of the binding persuasive principle precedent. In addition, the context of minimum sanctions contained in the formulation of the article on specific criminal acts, clearly contain statement of criminal sanctions containing the provisions of the maximum and minimum, so it does not require further interpretation. (2) In addition to referring to Article 103 of the Criminal Code and 284 paragraphs (1) and (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code, the juridical basis for the application of sanctions, judges refer to special criminal law legislation governing special minimum provisions. In addition to the above two chapters, jurisprudence may be used as a juridical basis in the imposition of sanctions, with a note, still referring to the minimum requirement of at least equal to or above the minimum. Keywords: Application of Special Penalties and Crimes
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