Communication of Prospective Teachers with Students in Mathematics Learning at Senior High School (SMA)
Dian Kurniawan,Ipung Yuwono,Edy Bambang Irawan,Hery Susanto,Subanji,Susiswo
History and Overview
Abstract:This study aims to describe the communication of prospective teachers in learning mathematics. The research was conducted in SMAN 1 Madura. The subject of this research is PLP student from Mathematics Education Study Program of Madura University. The prospective teacher's math learning is using the concept of function limits and the derivative of functions in problem solving (Calculus). This research is descriptive qualitative research. Instruments in the study were interviews, field notes, and video recordings. The knowledge of prospective mathematics teacher in field practice involves communication in factual,conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge in facts, concepts, principles, procedures, and reasoning. Teacher communication plays a role in learning mathematics, especially the ability to use formulas, rules, and methods simultaneously correctly to make accurate calculations. Prospective teachers are able to provide guidance to their students when implementing mathematics lessons and when working on the blackboard, directing discussions and frequently asked questions, using language appropriate to the level of students ' understanding so that the symbols, procedures, and strategies described can be well understood by the students. Keywords: Communication, Prospective teachers, and Mathematics learning .