Knowledge, Action, and Factive Mental States
Laurent Cesalli, Fabrice Correia, Paolo Crivelli, Julien Deonna, Katerina Ierodiakonou, Fabrice Teroni, Marcel Weber, Christian Wüthrich, Pascal Engel, Alain de Libera, Kevin Mulligan, Christine Clavien, Augustin Baas, Joshua Babic, Constant Bonard, Pablo Carnino, Parwana Emamzadah, François Nolle, Maria Fiorella Privitera, Ziad Bou Akl, Silvia Di Donato, Ghislain Guigon, Claudio Calosi, Lorenzo Casini, Robert Michels, Annamaria Schiaparelli, Caterina Tarlazzi, William Bausman, Karen Crowther, Baptiste Le Bihan, Hélène Leblanc, Federico Viri, Florian Cova, Markus Erne, Frédéric Goubier, François Jaquet, Geneviève Lachance, Federico Lauria, Arturs Logins, Alain Pe-Curto, Hamid Taieb, Daniel Vanello, Máté Veres, Enrico Donato, Alexander Eniline, Michal Hladky, Niels Linnemann, Paolo Natali, Benjamin Neeser, Michele Davide Ombrato, Eduardo Saldaña, Guillaume Schlaepfer, Juliette Vazard, Nathalie Baumann, Sylvie Germain, Job Offers, Past Jobs
Abstract:The present project draws light on the significant but understudied tensions between a prominent approach in contemporary epistemology and the orthodoxy in philosophy of action and philosophy of emotions. The results of our envisioned investigation are expected to lead to surprising conclusions: either we will have to reject some traditional views in epistemology (along with a recently prominent account of knowledge) or we will have to give up some of the orthodox assumptions concerning the place of knowledge in explanation of action and of emotions.