Effectiveness of dietetic consultation for lowering blood lipid levels in the management of cardiovascular disease risk: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomised controlled trials

Lynda J. Ross,Katelyn A. Barnes,Lauren E. Ball,Lana J. Mitchell,Ishtar Sladdin,Patricia Lee,Lauren T. Williams
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1747-0080.12509
Abstract:<style> .inline-equation { overflow-x:auto; } </style><article> <div class="abstract-group"> <section class="article-section article-section__abstract" lang="en" data-lang="en" id="section-1-en"> <h2 id="d6900284" class="article-section__header section__title main abstractlang_en main">Abstract</h2> <div class="article-section__content en main"> <div class="article-section__content" id="ndi12509-sec-0001"> <h3 class="article-section__sub-title section1"> Aim</h3> <p>Evidence of the effectiveness of dietetic consultation for the management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors has not been previously synthesised. A systematic review and four meta‐analyses evaluated the effectiveness of dietetic consultation for lowering blood lipid levels in high‐risk individuals in primary health‐care settings.</p>
nutrition & dietetics
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