Volodymyr Motyl,
Abstract:Проаналізовано правові засади застосування захисних та антидемпінгових заходів Європейського Союзу у торгівлі з третіми країнами. З’ясовано зміст поняття «демпінг» у праві ЄС, праві СОТ та економічній теорії, визначено їх спільні та відмінні риси. Розглянуто такі ключові поняття, як експортуюча країна, нормальна ціна та демпінгова маржа. Визначені основні елементи правого режиму застосування антидемпінгових заходів у праві ЄС. Наголошено на аналізі регламенту 1225/2009. Розглянуто принципи та підстави для запровадження антидемпінгових заходів, а також процедуру проведення антидемпінгових розслідувань та запровадження антидемпінгових мит. Визначено також умови зупинення Європейською Комісією антидемпінгових розслідувань без застосування захисних заходів. Вивчено практику застосування антидемпінгових заходів Європейською комісією щодо українських підприємств, а також вплив Угоди про асоціацію між Україною та ЄС на проведення антидемпінгових розслідувань та застосування антидемпінгових заходів. Ключові слова: демпінг, тимчасові заходи, антидемпінгове розслідування, антидемпінгове мито, Угода про асоціацію.   The article analyses legal foundations for application of trade defense and anti-dumping measures of European Union in trade with third countries. Three groups of such measures are defined: anti-dumping measures, countervailing measures and safeguards. At the outset the author examines the content of the term «dumping» in the law of European Union, in the WTO Law and in the economic theory, he defines their common and distinctive features and comes to the conclusion that the meaning of the concept dumping in international law is different from the concept dumping in economic theory. The key distinctive features are: 1) the value of the good is below the normal value but not below prime costs; 2) existence of the injury or threat of the injury. Further he describes the meaning of such key terms as export country, normal price and dumping margin. The basic elements of the legal regime for application of anti-dumping measures in the EU Law are analyzed with special attention to the EU regulation 1225/2009. At the same time the author stresses out that the anti-dumping regulation of the EU is based on the WTO law, but is more specific and more detailed. In this context the main principles and conditions for the introduction of anti-dumping measures and the procedure for conduct of anti-dumping investigations, as well as for introduction of anti-dumping tariffs are analyzed. As a rule anti-dumping measures might be introduced under following conditions: 1) Existence of Dumping; 2) Existence of material injury for EU industry; 3) Casual link between dumping and injury; 4) Introduction of such measures should be in line with aims of the EU; If there is no sufficient proof the European Commission cannot start investigation. Also the conditions for the termination by European Commission of anti-dumping investigations without introduction of trade defense measures are defined. Anti-dumping investigation can be terminated without introduction of anti-dumping measures under following conditions: 1) Where the complaint is withdrawn 2) Where, after consultation, the Commission comes to the conclusion that protective measures are unneccesary and there is no objection raised within the Advisory Committee; 3) Where the dumping marging of individual exporter is below 2%. If the investigation finds out that all pre-conditions are fulfilled, the Council of the EU acting on a proposal submitted by the European Commission introduces a definite countervailing duty. Definite anti-dumping measures are imposed as a rule in the form of ad valor and specific custom duties for the period up to 5 years with the right for the review before it expires. Before the expiry of this period they can be reviewed under following conditions: - Change of circumstances; - Request of an importer for the reimbursement of duties collected; - New exporters-producers are requesting accelerated review. The measures will eхpire after five years if not prolonged. The Commission will pay a refund for duties collected if it is prooven that the dumping margine, on the basis of which the countervailing duty was imposed, was cancelled or reduced below the value of the countervailing duty imposed. These provisions are not applied in case of introduction of custom duties imposed in the framework of individual regimes based on Para. 4 of article 11 and Para. 6 of article 9, and Art. 17 of the Regulation. The practice of imposing anti-dumping measures by the European Commission against Ukrainian enterprises has been analyzed separately. The author points out that European Commission introduced anti-dumping measures quite often also against Ukrainian producers of seamless pipes and tubes, steel robes and ironing boards. The imposed anti-dumping duties varied from 12,4% to 51,8%. In the conclusive part of the Article the impact of the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine on the conduct of anti-dumping and unti-subsidy investigations as well as on introduction of anti-dumping measures is analyzed. The Agreement has confirmed the possibility of applying anti-dumping measures to be imposed on the basis of the Art. VI GATT and of the Agreement on implementation of Art. VI GATT The agreement provides Ukrainian producers with the possibility to initiate respectiv investigations in case of unfair trade practice of EU producers in the cases when such trade practices cause or even threat to cause an injury to Ukrainian industry. The same rights enjoy also  European producers. Effective implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU will contribute to the increase the transparency of the process of initiation and conduct of anti-dumping investigations and introduction of anti-dumping duties. Keywords: dumping, provisional measures, anti-dumping investigation, anti-dumping tariff, Association Agreement.
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