The Impact of Mobile Game-Based Language Learning Apps on EFL Learners’ Motivation

Nada Gamlo
English Language Teaching
Abstract:This study examines the effect of integrating mobile-game based language learning applications (MGBLLAs) on Saudi female English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students’ motivation to learn English. It explores the perceptions of students regarding the pedagogical value of the following free MGBLLAs: Game books: Great Reader, Game to learn English - EnglishTracker, and Learn English Vocabulary Pop Quiz. A group of thirty Saudi female beginner level students, aged from 18-20 years old and enrolled for their foundation year at King Abdulaziz University (KAU) participated in the study. The study was carried out over a seven week period. Data were collected using two questionnaires. A pre-MGBLLAs integration questionnaire was modified to determine students’ motivations for learning English. A post-MGBLLAs integration questionnaire designed by the author was also issued. It was utilized to explore the perceptions of students regarding the use of the three mobile game-based language learning apps, and to discover any impact on learner motivation. The results of the pre-MGBLLAs integration revealed that the EFL students were motivated to learn English. However, their motivation was high instrumental motivation, because it is taught as a compulsory course in their foundation year and they must achieve high scores to be able to start studying their preferred major. Significantly, the findings of the post-MGBLLAs integration questionnaire revealed that students perceived the three apps as beneficial for learning and improving motivation. These results contribute to the literature regarding mobile game based learning, and EFL students’ motivation.
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