Towards Supporting Programming Education at Scale via Live Streaming
Yan Chen,Walter S. Lasecki,Tao Dong
Abstract:Live streaming, which allows streamers to broadcast their work to live viewers, is an emerging practice for teaching and learning computer programming. Participation in live streaming is growing rapidly, despite several apparent challenges, such as a general lack of training in pedagogy among streamers and scarce signals about a stream's characteristics (e.g., difficulty, style, and usefulness) to help viewers decide what to watch. To understand why people choose to participate in live streaming for teaching or learning programming, and how they cope with both apparent and non-obvious challenges, we interviewed 14 streamers and viewers about their experience with live streaming programming. Among other results, we found that the casual and impromptu nature of live streaming makes it easier to prepare than pre-recorded videos, and viewers have the opportunity to shape the content and learning experience via real-time communication with both the streamer and each other. Nonetheless, we identified several challenges that limit the potential of live streaming as a learning medium. For example, streamers voiced privacy and harassment concerns, and existing streaming platforms do not adequately support viewer-streamer interactions, adaptive learning, and discovery and selection of streaming content. Based on these findings, we suggest specialized tools to facilitate knowledge sharing among people teaching and learning computer programming online, and we offer design recommendations that promote a healthy, safe, and engaging learning environment.
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