Growth and Yield Response of Lowland Rice to Form and Dosage of Bio-fertilizer at Different Plant Spacing

N R Patriyawaty,Yursida,K Agustina,Ikhwani
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Abstract:Abstract Expanding rice planting areas is one of Government’s strategy that could overcome increasing rice demand nationally. However the more rice planting areas the more chemical fertilizer used, which has a deleterious side effect on the soil, environment and high in cost production. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a less or without chemical fertilizer rice production system through applying biofertilizer and combining with a proper cultivation technology such as management on plant spacing. An experiment was conducted at Pusakanagara Research Station, Indonesia during August to December 2018 to evaluate the effect of form and dosage of biofertilizer application at different plant spacing toward the growth and yield response of lowland rice. The experiment was arranged in split-split-plot design with three replications. The main plot was plant spacing, i.e T1 – Jajar Legowo pattern 2:1 (25 cm - 50 cm) x 12,5 cm and T2 – Jajar Legowo Pattern 4:1 (25 cm - 50 cm) x 12,5 cm. The sub-plot was form of biofertilizer, i.e W1 – powder and W2 – granule, while the sub-sub-plot was dosage of biofertilizer, i.e P0 – without biofertilizer (control), P1 – 150 g/ha, P2 – 250 g/ha, and P3 – 300 g/ha. The result showed The interaction between plant spacing (T) x form of biofertilizer (W) x dosage of biofertilizer (P) affected significant on tiller number and panicle length and not significantly at the yield and yield components of lowland rice soil. The highest yield at control with the powder form at Jajar Legowo pattern 2:1 was 8.7 t/ha miled dry grain, but not significantly different from other biofertilizer dosage level. Applying biofertilizer at a rate of 150 g/ha in the form of powder at Jajar Legowo pattern 2:1 could increase grain yield up to 2.5 t/ha more than Jajar Legowo pattern 4:1.
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