Khaerudin Imawan
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33603/signal.v6i2.1316
Jurnal Signal
Abstract:AbstrakIstilah berita palsu atau hoax dan post truth telah semakin lazim dalam wacana publik selama beberapa tahun terakhir. Era media baru dengan beragam media sosial, membuka ruang praktik misinformasi begitu massif. Produk jurnalisme yang menjadi referensi informasi kerap menjadi sasaran kambing hitam yang dianggap terlibat telah memproduksi dan menyebarkan hoax. Ada aktor yang beroprasi dibalik maraknya hoax dan suburnya gejala post truth. Publik ruang maya dengan bebas mendapatkan infromasi dalam bentuk teks, image foto dan video yang diyakini sebagai kebenaran, walaupun sama sekali tidak dapat dibuktikan secara fakta sebagai kebanaran mutlak. Makalah ini berupaya membedah realitas masyarakat ruang maya dan institusi media yang di dalamnya terdapat peran jurnalis yang berada dibalik data redaksi. Keduanya melakukan resistensi terhadap maraknya hoax dan gejala post truth. Ada upaya untuk melakukan negosiasi terhadap produk jurnalisme, dengan melahirkan model baru yang diistilahkan sebagai Jurnalisme Data. Jurnalisme yang berupaya mendapatkan sumber material dari big data yang valid, diolah dalam bentuk infografis dan videografis sebelum akhirnya dipublish. Kata Kunci: hoax, post truth, ruang siber, resistensi, jurnalisme data AbstractThe term fake news or hoax and post truth has been increasingly prevalent in the public discourse over the last few years. The Era of new media with a variety of social media, open space of the practice of misinformation is massive. The product of journalism which is becoming a reference information often became the target of a scapegoat who is considered to be involved has been producing and spreading the hoax. There are actors who operate behind the rise of the hoax and the proliferation of the symptoms of post truth. Public virtual space to freely get information in the form of text, image photo and video which is believed as the truth, although completely can not be proved in fact as the true absolute. This paper seeks to dissect the realities of society in the virtual space and media institutions in which there is the role of the journalist behind the data editor. Both the resistance to the rise of the hoax and the symptoms of post truth. There are efforts to make the negotiations to the products of journalism, with the birth of a new model termed as Journalism Data. Journalism that seeks to get the source material from big data that are valid, and processed in the form of infographics and videografis before finally published. Keyword: hoax, post truth, cyber space, resistance, journalism data
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