Inhibition of Paracetamol-Induced Acute Kidney Damage in Rats Using a Combination of Resveratrol and Quercetin

Mohamed A Haidara,Fahaid Al-Hashem,Abbas O El-Karib,Mohamed S Zaki,Samaa S Kamar,Mahmoud H El-Bidawy,Bahjat Al-Ani
International Journal of Morphology
Abstract:SUMMARY: Paracetamol (also called acetaminophen, or APAP) overdose causes acute damage to the liver and kidneys in both humans and experimental animal models via the induction of the oxidative stress pathway. We sought to determine whether the combined antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, resveratrol (RES) and quercetin (QUR) can protect against kidney injury induced by a toxic dose of APAP in a rat model of APAP-induced acute kidney injury. Rats were either received a single dose of APAP (2 g/kg) before being sacrificed after 24 hours or were pre-treated for 7 days with combined doses of RES (30 mg/kg) and QUR (50 mg/kg) before being given a single dose of APAP and then sacrificed 24 hours post APAP ingestion. Harvested kidney tissues were prepared for light microscopy staining, and tissue samples were assayed for (i) biomarkers of oxidative stress and antioxidant, malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD); and (ii) biomarkers of inflammation, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained images showed that APAP overdose induced acute kidney injury as demonstrated by widening of glomeruli space (Bowman space), tubular dilatation, numerous cellular debris in the renal tubules with tubular epithelial degeneration, and vacuolization, which were effectively protected by RES+QUR except a partial protection of the glomeruli space was observed. In addition, APAP significantly (p<0.05) modulated tissue levels of MDA, SOD, TNF-α, and IL-6, which were protected by RES+QUR. Furthermore, a significant (p<0.0001) positive correlation was observed between glomeruli space and TNF-α, (r=0.8899), IL-6 (r=0.8986), and MDA (r=0.8552), whereas glomeruli space scoring versus SOD showed negative correlation (r= - 0.7870). We conclude that resveratrol plus quercetin substantially protects against APAP-induced acute kidney injury in rats, possibly via the augmentation of antioxidants and inhibition of oxidative stress and inflammation. RESUMEN: La sobredosis de paracetamol (tambin llamado acetaminofen o APAP) causa un dao agudo en el hgado y los riones, tanto en humanos como en modelos animales experimentales, a travs de la induccin de la va del estrs oxidativo. Intentamos determinar si los antioxidantes y los compuestos antiinflamatorios combinados, el resveratrol (RES) y la quercetina (QUR) pueden proteger contra la lesin renal inducida por una dosis txica de APAP en un modelo de rata de lesin renal aguda inducida por APAP. Las ratas recibieron una dosis nica de APAP (2 g / kg) antes de ser sacrificadas despus de 24 horas o se trataron previamente durante 7 das con dosis combinadas de RES (30 mg / kg) y QUR (50 mg / kg), antes de ser tratadas, se administr una dosis nica de APAP y luego fueron sacrificadas 24 horas despus de la ingestin. Los tejidos renales recolectados se tieron con H-E y fueron observados a travs de microscopa ptica. Las muestras de tejido se analizaron para (i) biomarcadores de estrs oxidativo y antioxidante, malondialdehdo (MDA) y superxido dismutasa (SOD); y (ii) biomarcadores de inflamacin, factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α) e interleucina-6 (IL-6). Las imgenes teidas con H & E mostraron que la sobredosis de APAP indujo dao renal agudo como lo demuestra la ampliacin del espacio glomerular, la dilatacin tubular, numerosos desechos celulares en los tbulos renales con degeneracin epitelial tubular y la vacuolizacin, que se protegieron eficazmente con RES + QUR Se observ una proteccin parcial del espacio glomerular. Adems, APAP modific significativamente (p <0.05) los niveles tisulares de MDA, SOD, TNF-α e IL-6, que estaban protegidos por RES + QUR. Adems, se observ una correlacin positiva significativa (p <0,0001) entre el espacio glomerular y el TNF-α, (r = 0,8899), IL-6 (r = 0,8986) y MDA (r = 0,8552), mientras que la puntuacin del espacio glomerular versus SOD mostr correlacin negativa (r = - 0,7870). Concluimos que el resveratrol ms quercetina protege sustancialmente contra la lesin renal aguda inducida por APAP en ratas, posiblemente a travs del aumento de antioxidantes y la inhibicin del estrs oxidativo y la inflamacin.
anatomy & morphology
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