State-of-the-Art Design Optimization of an IPM Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicle Applications
Muhammad Usman Sardar,Dou Manfeng,Mannan Hassan,Umar Saleem,Shameem,Tanzeela
Abstract:Nowadays, vehicles based on electric charge and operation due to the motor are more prevalent in use due to their superiority in zero-emission, lowest noise, higher power density to size or weight ratio, and higher performance. In this scenario, synchronous machines using permanent interior magnets (IPMSM) are a suitable candidate and a potential source of mechanical power generation in electric vehicles (EVs). They have unique merits over the other types of electric motor families. A rare earth permanent magnet material with an interior V-type rotor is used as a model motor, and its optimal design shows higher performance characteristics. This research paper presents and validates an optimally designed state-of-the-art IPMSM motor, which gives higher torque density, lower torque ripples, efficiency of the drive, lower magnet volume, and higher power factor. The design input parameters include magnet thickness, width, and pole V-angle. Using the initial model of a 60kW PMSM motor, the results are generated through FEA analysis, optimization with OptiSlang, and performance is validated with an input of urban drive cycle and operation in the wide speed range.