Probing tau citrullination in Alzheimer's disease brains and mouse models of tauopathy
Huimin Liang,Jerry B Hunt Jr.,Chao Ma,Andrii Kovalenko,John T Calahatian,Cecelie Pedersen,Haiying Liu,Malina E Serrano,Daniel Blazier,Mallory Watler,Patricia Rocha-Rangel,Christopher Saunders,Laura J Blair,Leonid Breydo,Kevin Nash,Zainuddin Quadri,Brian Kraemer,Peter Nelson,Christopher Norris,Erin L Abner,Vladimir N Uversky,Dale Chaput,Maj-Linda B Selenica,Daniel C Lee
Abstract:Tauopathies, which include Alzheimers disease (AD) share a common defining factor, namely misfolded tau protein. However, the upstream etiology and downstream clinical manifestations of tauopathies are quite diverse. Tau deposition elicits different pathological phenotypes and outcomes depending on the tau strain and regional susceptibility. Posttranslational modifications (PTM) can alter tau structure, function, networks, and its pathological sequalae. We uncovered a novel PTM of tau, named citrullination, caused by peptidyl arginine deiminase (PAD) enzymes. PAD induced citrullination irreversibly converts arginine residues to citrulline, producing net loss of positive charge, elimination of pi-pi interactions, and increased hydrophobicity. We observed increased PAD2 and PAD4 in Alzheimers disease (AD) brain and that they both can citrullinate tau. Tau can become citrullinated by PADs at all 14 arginine residues throughout the N-terminal domain (N-term), proline-rich domain (PR), microtubule binding repeat domain (MBR), and C-terminal domain (C-term) on full length tau (2N4R). Citrullination of tau impacts fibrillization and oligomerization rates in aggregation assays. Utilizing a panel of novel citrullinated tau (citR tau) antibodies, we identified citrullination of tau in vitro, several animal models of tauopathies, and Alzheimers disease (AD). CitR tau increased with Braak stage and was enriched in AD brains with higher phospho-tau burden. This work provides a new area of tau biology that signifies further consideration in the emerging spectrum of tauopathies and its clinical understanding.