Lipidomics profile and volatile compounds of squids (Illex argentinus, Ommastrephes Bartram and Dosidicus gigas) in the Argentine, North Pacific Ocean, Equator and Peru by UPLC-triple TOF-MS and HS-SPME-GC-O-MS
Bin Peng,Jinlin Li,Chengwei Yu,Mingming Hu,Bizhen Zhong,Shengqi Shi,Zongcai Tu
Abstract:Comprehensive lipid and volatile compound analyses were performed with squids collected from four varied geographical locations to discriminate the regional characteristics. A total of 1442 lipid molecules and 110 volatiles were detected in the squid muscle samples. There were significant differences in the lipid profiles between Argentine squid (Illex argentinus, AGT), North Pacific Ocean squid (Ommastrephes Bartram, NPO), Equatorial squid (Dosidicus gigas, EQ), and Peruvian squid (Dosidicus gigas, PR) muscle. Phosphatidylcholines (14.64%), triacylglycerols (12.42%), and ceramides (10.97%) were the main lipid components. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acid in phospholipids and in glycerolipids were 30.35-52.05% and 18.11-25.15%, respectively. The volatiles in squids exhibited significant regional variation; 1-pentanol and 1-octanol, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and terpinen-4-ol, 2,7-ethyl-1-hexanol, 3-methy-1-butanol and 2-propyl-1-pentanol were identified as characteristic flavor compounds in AGT, NPO, EQ, and PR, respectively. Sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and ceramide were strongly correlated with volatiles in squid muscle. Our study is a reference for the lipid nutritional value and flavor compounds of squids.