Foodomics for agroecology: Differentiation of volatile profile in mint (Mentha × gracilis Sole) from permaculture, organic and conventional agricultural systems using HS-SPME/GC-MS
Luan Felipe Campos Oliveira,David Ulisses Tega,Gustavo Henrique Bueno Duarte,Luidy Darllan Barbosa,Henrique Caracho Ribeiro,Ana Carolina Devides Castello,Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawaya,Alessandra Sussulini
Abstract:In the present study, foodomics approach was employed to investigate changes in the metabolism from the volatile terpenoids profile of mint(Mentha × gracillis Sole)from conventional, organic and permaculture (a type of agroecological agriculture system) farms using headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) associated to gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and chemometric tools. The discrimination among the three types of mint was successfully achieved and demonstrated evidence of ecological interaction impact in the food metabolism. The agroecological mint presented as differential compounds: α-terpineol, bornyl formate, cis-carvyl propionate, cis-carveol, camphor, dihydrocarvyl acetate, dihydrocarveol, karahanaenone, nonanal, 3-octyl acetate, and trans-3-hexenyl-2 methylbutyrate. While organic and conventional mint presented as differential compounds: α-cedrene, β -pinene, γ-muurolene, δ-cadinene, germacrene, terpinolene, and elemol. The majority of differential metabolites from agroecological mint are oxygenated monoterpenes, which have more intense flavor and biological activities than hydrocarbons monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes found in organic and conventional mint. Furthermore, the discrimination between organic and conventional mint was effectively performed, which demonstrated different terpenoid profiles though without implying benefits for one or another agriculture system.