Fund Manager Educational Networks and Portfolio Performance
Botong Shang
Abstract:In this study, I investigate the relation between social connections among fund managers and portfolio performance. The social connection in this study is built between mutual fund managers through shared educational background, and I examine whether this connection a ects portfolio performance. Speci cally, I use ve measures of portfolio performance, portfolio net return, one-factor alpha, four-factor alpha, Shape ratio and appraisal ratio, and I nd that the most closely connected teams outperform the others. In the dynamic setting, the portfolio performance drops after breaking the most connected team, and forming such a team with most connected managers improves the portfolio performance. Furthermore, the relation between social connection and portfolio performance is robust to the inclusion of controls for other performance-related variables and social connection-related variables. ∗I am grateful for helpful comments and suggestions from Lauren Cohen, Ron Kaniel, Robert Novy-Marx, Robert Ready, Bill Schwert, Erin Smith and Jerold Warner. I thank Lauren Cohen for generously sharing his data on manager educational connections. All remaining errors are mine. †Simon Business School, University of Rochester.