Bidirectional Symmetrical 100 Gb/s/λ Coherent PON Using a Simplified ONU Transceiver

Xiang Li,Saifuddin Faruk,Seb J. Savory,Md. Saifuddin Faruk
IF: 2.6
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Abstract:In this letter, a bidirectional symmetric 100 Gb/s/ <span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="" width="7.407ex" height="2.176ex" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex;" viewBox="0 -791.3 3189 936.9" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns=""><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6C" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-61" x="298" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6D" x="828" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-62" x="1706" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-64" x="2136" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-61" x="2659" y="0"></use></g></svg></span> coherent passive optical network (PON) scheme with a simplified optical network unit (ONU) transceiver is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. In the proposed scheme, the downstream signal is generated in a dual-polarization coherent transmitter with Alamouti-coding at the optical line terminal (OLT) side and then received by a single-polarization heterodyne receiver at the ONU side. The upstream signal is generated in a low-cost C-band electro-absorption modulated laser (EML) at the ONU side and then received by a standard dual-polarization integrated coherent receiver at the OLT side. The experimental results show that more than 30 dB power budget is achieved after 25 km standard single mode fibre transmission for both downstream and upstream signal at 100 Gb/s/ <span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="" width="7.407ex" height="2.176ex" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex;" viewBox="0 -791.3 3189 936.9" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns=""><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6C" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-61" x="298" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-6D" x="828" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-62" x="1706" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-64" x="2136" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMATHI-61" x="2659" y="0"></use></g></svg></span> . The cost at the ONU side is maintained low as the required bandwidth of the optoelectrical device is &gt;25 GHz and the local oscillator power at the ONU side can be as low as 4 dBm.<svg xmlns="" style="display: none;"><defs id="MathJax_SVG_glyphs"><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-6C" d="M117 59Q117 26 142 26Q179 26 205 131Q211 151 215 152Q217 153 225 153H229Q238 153 241 153T246 151T248 144Q247 138 245 128T234 90T214 43T183 6T137 -11Q101 -11 70 11T38 85Q38 97 39 102L104 360Q167 615 167 623Q167 626 166 628T162 632T157 634T149 635T141 636T132 637T122 637Q112 637 109 637T101 638T95 641T94 647Q94 649 96 661Q101 680 107 682T179 688Q194 689 213 690T243 693T254 694Q266 694 266 686Q266 675 193 386T118 83Q118 81 118 75T117 65V59Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-61" d="M33 157Q33 258 109 349T280 441Q331 441 370 392Q386 422 416 422Q429 422 439 414T449 394Q449 381 412 234T374 68Q374 43 381 35T402 26Q411 27 422 35Q443 55 463 131Q469 151 473 152Q475 153 483 153H487Q506 153 506 144Q506 138 501 117T481 63T449 13Q436 0 417 -8Q409 -10 393 -10Q359 -10 336 5T306 36L300 51Q299 52 296 50Q294 48 292 46Q233 -10 172 -10Q117 -10 75 30T33 157ZM351 328Q351 334 346 350T323 385T277 405Q242 405 210 374T160 293Q131 214 119 129Q119 126 119 118T118 106Q118 61 136 44T179 26Q217 26 254 59T298 110Q300 114 325 217T351 328Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-6D" d="M21 287Q22 293 24 303T36 341T56 388T88 425T132 442T175 435T205 417T221 395T229 376L231 369Q231 367 232 367L243 378Q303 442 384 442Q401 442 415 440T441 433T460 423T475 411T485 398T493 385T497 373T500 364T502 357L510 367Q573 442 659 442Q713 442 746 415T780 336Q780 285 742 178T704 50Q705 36 709 31T724 26Q752 26 776 56T815 138Q818 149 821 151T837 153Q857 153 857 145Q857 144 853 130Q845 101 831 73T785 17T716 -10Q669 -10 648 17T627 73Q627 92 663 193T700 345Q700 404 656 404H651Q565 404 506 303L499 291L466 157Q433 26 428 16Q415 -11 385 -11Q372 -11 364 -4T353 8T350 18Q350 29 384 161L420 307Q423 322 423 345Q423 404 379 404H374Q288 404 229 303L222 291L189 157Q156 26 151 16Q138 -11 108 -11Q95 -11 87 -5T76 7T74 17Q74 30 112 181Q151 335 151 342Q154 357 154 369Q154 405 129 405Q107 405 92 377T69 316T57 280Q55 278 41 278H27Q21 284 21 287Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-62" d="M73 647Q73 657 77 670T89 683Q90 683 161 688T234 694Q246 694 246 685T212 542Q204 508 195 472T180 418L176 399Q176 396 182 402Q231 442 283 442Q345 442 383 396T422 280Q422 169 343 79T173 -11Q123 -11 82 27T40 150V159Q40 180 48 217T97 414Q147 611 147 623T109 637Q104 637 101 637H96Q86 637 83 637T76 640T73 647ZM336 325V331Q336 405 275 405Q258 405 240 397T207 376T181 352T163 330L157 322L136 236Q114 150 114 114Q114 66 138 42Q154 26 178 26Q211 26 245 58Q270 81 285 114T318 219Q336 291 336 325Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMATHI-64" d="M366 683Q367 683 438 688T511 694Q523 694 523 686Q523 679 450 384T375 83T374 68Q374 26 402 26Q411 27 422 35Q443 55 463 131Q469 151 473 152Q475 153 483 153H487H491Q506 153 506 145Q506 140 503 129Q490 79 473 48T445 8T417 -8Q409 -10 393 -10Q359 -10 336 5T306 36L300 51Q299 52 296 50Q294 48 292 46Q233 -10 172 -10Q117 -10 75 30T33 157Q33 205 53 255T101 341Q148 398 195 420T280 442Q336 442 364 400Q369 394 369 396Q370 400 396 505T424 616Q424 629 417 632T378 637H357Q351 643 351 645T353 664Q358 683 366 683ZM352 326Q329 405 277 405Q242 405 210 374T160 293Q131 214 119 129Q119 126 119 118T118 106Q118 61 136 44T179 26Q233 26 290 98L298 109L352 326Z"></path></defs></svg>
engineering, electrical & electronic,optics,physics, applied
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