Los Coristas. Análisis Psicoestético y Socioeducativo de un Filme Francés

Eduardo Llanos Melussa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-73782019000200227
Revista latinoamericana de educación inclusiva
Abstract:Resumen: Se ofrece un anlisis de Los coristas (Les choristes), pelcula francesa que presenta un caso de intervencin e innovacin pedaggica con nios en riesgo social. Se examinan seis dimensiones del filme (interpersonal, intrapersonal, transpersonal, ideolgica, simblica y esttica), y los comentarios cubren seis niveles de comprensin y apreciacin (descriptivo, inferencial, interpretativo, valorativo, introspectivo y heurstico o creativo). Aunque el ejercicio sigue un modelo propio, en su elaboracin confluyen varios aportes: educacin por el arte, enseanza para la comprensin, pragmtica de la comunicacin, enfoque sociocultural y sociocrtico de la educacin, narratologa cognitiva y enfoque cognitivo-evolutivo de Parsons. El artculo incluye tambin un apartado con reflexiones metacrticas y otro con sugerencias concretas aplicables al mbito de la educacin inclusiva. En ambos casos se procura extraer lecciones implcitas del filme (cuyo protagonista es un educador motivador, creativo e integrativo), extrapolndolas a una suerte de mtodo til y al menos parcialmente replicable. Abstract: This article analyzes the French film The chorus (Les choristes), in which a pedagogical intervention and innovation with children at social risk is presented. Six dimensions of the film are examined (interpersonal, intrapersonal, transpersonal, ideological, symbolic, and aesthetic), and the analysis approaches six levels of comprehension and appreciation (descriptive, inferential, interpretative, valorative, introspective, and heuristic or creative). Although the analytic exercise is based on an original perspective, in its elaboration several contributions converge: the education by art, the teaching for understanding, the pragmatics of communication, the sociocultural and sociocritical focus on education, cognitive narratology, and the cognitive and evolutive perspective of Michael J. Parsons. The article includes a section with metacritical reflections, and a last part that offers specific suggestions to apply at the field of the inclusive education. In both cases, we try to extract some implicit lessons from the film (whose protagonist is a motivating, creative and integrative educator), extrapolating those lessons by to a kind of a useful and at least partially replicable method.
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