Mechanism research on emotional labor strategies and customer value co-creation behaviors
Yong YANG,Qin-hai MA,Pan CHEN,Man LI
Abstract:With the rapid development of modem information technology,customers obtain a lot of information through Web search,micro letter,and online community.As customers gain operant resources (e.g.knowledge or experience) in the service area,the extent that customers engage into the process of service product is higher.At the same time,many firms also hope customers become "value co-creators".They want to create individualized customer experiences,which further promotes a firm's corn competitive ability.By engaging into the process of service products,customers could enhance their perceived value of service,such as lowered service price.Naturally,the phenomenon has attracted attraction from management and marketing scholars.Vargo and his collaborators have studied the phenomenon.Based on their research outcomes,they develop the value co-creation theory.The theory argues operant resource (e.g.,knowledge or experience) is the source of competitive advantage.Customer and firm are both the value creators.Many other scholars have extended the value co-creation theory into other research areas.At present,the research on value co-creation theory is mainly based on two perspectives.On one hand,some researchers discussed the types of customer value co-creation behavior.For example,Yi verified that when customers receive service they take two types of value co-creation behaviors to enhance their service experience;namely,customer engagement behavior and customer citizenship behavior.On the other hand,some researchers discussed how firms promote customer value co-creation behaviors,such as through the investigation of Australian's family travel,Grissemann confirmed that when customers perceive care and share information from firms,their value co-creation behaviors will be enhanced.Although the value co-creation research has some progress,it has limits and improved space.Firstly,previous studies mainly discussed it with theory and case research types.Secondly,Payne argued the process of customer interaction with firm is very important to mobilize customers to actively take value co-creation behavior.Thirdly,Gr(o)nroos proposed that the employees who interact with customer play pivotal role in promoting customer value co-creation behaviors.However,they didn't disclose how employees promote customer value co-creation behaviors.Lastly,the interaction between employee and customer is affected by social culture or rule.Different countries' culture has large difference.In conclusion,our study focuses on Chinese service context and is based on customer identification theory and emotion contagion theory.In addition,this paper discloses how employee's emotion labor affects customer value co-creation behaviors and mechanisms.In the first part of this paper,we reviewed value co-creation theory and emotional labor's customer outcome.In the second part,we developed research hypotheses on the relationship between emotional labor and customer value co-creation behavior and the mediating mechanism of customer identification and emotional value.In the third part,we designed the sample collection procedure and distributed the questionnaire to service firms in Shenyang and Qinhuangdao.We obtained 321 employee-customer pair sample questionnaires.We used Brotheridge and Diefendorff's scale to measure emotional labor.Tuzun's scale was used to measure customer identification.Yi's scale was used to measure customer value co-creation behaviors.In the fourth part,we used SPSS analytic tools to exam the common method variance and relationship analysis.We do use AMOS analytic tools to exam our proposed theoretic model and research hypotheses.Lastly,Research results show that surface acting,deep acting and express felt have oblivious positive effect on the two kinds of customer value co-creation behavior:customer participation behavior and customer citizenship behavior.Emotional value has mediate effect on the relationship among deep acting,customer participation behavior,and customer citizenship behavior.Emotional value has mediate effect on the relationship between express felt and customer participation behavior.Emotional value also has mediate effect on the relationship between express felt and customer citizenship behavior.