Corrosion analysis of post-heat treatment and post-weld SS316 with electrokinetic reactivation and cyclic polarization method

M Kartaman A,E Nurlaily,A S D Putri,J Cs Sihotang,N A Kundari
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Abstract:Abstract Austenitic stainless steel 316 has very high mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. This type of steel is widely used both in the nuclear and non-nuclear industries. In the nuclear industry, SS316 is used as a cladding material for uranium fuel due to its good corrosion and mechanical properties, and also low neutron absorption cross-section. In the Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology (PTBBN BATAN), it is used as material for the container of nuclear waste that is to be stored on Temporary Storage Installation of Spent Fuel (KHIPSB3 BATAN). SS316 is used as material for can to contain high-activity solid waste from the testing activity in Radiometallurgy Installation (IRM BATAN). The lid of the container is sealed with the GTAW welding process in order to tightly contain the solid waste. The main problem with the heat treatment and welding process of austenitic stainless steel is the occurrence of sensitization in a temperature range of 500-800°C. Therefore fully electrochemical analysis of SS316 stainless steel in various mediums has been conducted. SS 316 specimen was heat-treated to simulate the heat generated by the welding process. Sensitization analysis was conducted with qualitative and quantitative methods by EIS and EPR, and pitting corrosion resistance was by cyclic polarization method. The solution used for EIS and cyclic polarization test was 0 − 3.5% concentration of NaCl, and for EPR test was a mixture of H 2 SO 4 and KSCN. Material characterization before and after corrosion testing was microstructure examination. The result of the corrosion test showed that heat treatment on the temperature range of 500-800°C caused sensitization. The corrosion test curve result showed that a heat treatment temperature of 650°C for 1 hour had the highest activation current. The lowest Rp value for SS316 specimen post heat treatment in 675°C was 69.410 ohm. The welded SS316 specimen had a higher corrosion current than that of the unwelded specimen. The microstructure of the welded specimen showed that there was intergranular corrosion particularly in the HAZ region. The effect of NaCl concentration on the cyclic polarization test showed that the higher the NaCl concentration, the more easily the pitting corrosion. The indication of pitting corrosion occurrence was evaluated by considering the E pit and E rp values. The lower E pit value meant that pitting corrosion was more easily to occur.
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