Toward a regional-scale seasonal climate prediction system over the Mediterranean basin: evaluation and comparison of RegCM- and WRF-based dynamical downscaling approaches

Lorenzo Sangelantoni,Vincenzo Mazzarella,Antonio Ricchi,Rossella Ferretti,Gianluca Redaelli
Abstract:<p>Seasonal Climate Predictions (SCPs) represent a challenging intermediate field where aspects typical of the short-term weather forecasts and long-term climate projections interact. Skillful SCPs represent an essential tool to reduce societal vulnerabilities to the inter-annual climate fluctuation through short-term (i.e., next season) climate impact mitigation measures. This is especially true over areas characterized by large climate inter-annual variability as the Mediterranean basin, which is also traditionally characterized by a poor seasonal predictability.</p><p>The primary research question of present study is to assess the capability of two dynamical downscaling approaches to improve the seasonal inter-annual variability signal coming from the global-scale driving SCP system on the Mediterranean basin.</p><p>In this work the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF3.9.1.1) and the Regional Climatic Model (RegCM4.1) were nested into NCEP’s operational seasonal forecast model Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) to dynamically downscale seasonal predictions over Mediterranean basin.</p><p>Using the initial and boundary conditions of an ensemble of the CFSv2 we compare the capability of the two downscaling approaches on improving the large scale CFSv2 prediction of a climatological period of 22-cold seasons (December–February) during 1982–2002.</p><p>The SCP systems (WRF- and RegCM-based) consist on a double dynamical downscaling where a height-member lagged ensemble of 3-month CFSv2 climate predictions represent the common driving fields. Both the nested models dynamically downscales CFSv2 climate prediction from the original 100 km resolution to 60 km over a domain covering the Mediterranean basin and Central Europe. The first downscaling feeds a second downscaling performed over a domain centered over Central Italy with a resolution of 12 km.</p><p>Climate variables considered are: 2 m temperature, precipitation, geopotential height at different pressure levels and mean sea level pressure. Results will be discussed by means of mean bias spatial distribution, inter-annual anomaly variability reproduction and probabilistic hit-rate of anomalous seasons, through tercile plots and reliability diagrams of the above mentioned variables.</p><p>Preliminary results, considering the RegCM, identify temperature variability reproduction benefiting from the downscaling. At the same time, precipitation shows an improved spatial distribution patterns but not improved inter-annual variability representation if compared to the driving CFSv2 reference period climate predictions.</p>
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