The Corporate Innovation in Europe
Alberto Costantiello,Angelo Leogrande,Lucio Laureti
SSRN Electronic Journal
Abstract:In this article we investigate the political and industrial determinants of firm investment in Research and Development. We use data from the European Innovation Scoreboard of the European Commission for 36 countries in the period 2000-2019. We found that firm investments in Research and Development are positively associated with “Linkages”, “Innovation Index”, “International Co-publications”, “Medium and high-tech product exports”, “Non-R&D innovation expenditure”, “Turnover share large enterprises”, “Human Resources”, “Intellectual Assets”. Firm investments in Research and Development are negatively associated to “Foreign doctorate students”, “Knowledge-intensive services exports”, “Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures”, “Basic-school entrepreneurial education and training (SD)”, “New doctorate graduates”, “Trademark applications”, “Tertiary education” “Design applications”, “Lifelong Learning”, “Foreign-controlled enterprises – share of value added (SD)”, “Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) (SD)”.