Pemasaran Bandara: Sistematik Literatur Review Kajian Biblio-metrik berdasarkan Database Google Scholar dan Crossref Tahun 2019-2022
Virda Dimas Ekaputra,Vanessa Gaffar,Meta Arief
JPPI (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Indonesia)
Abstract:Airport marketing activities cannot be considered separately from other airport management activities. Every airport operates in a market environment that plays a key role in influencing airport marketing strategy and planning decisions. This provides opportunities and challenges for airport managers and will continue to change along with the dynamics of the industry. Therefore, it is important for various parties interested in the airport marketing concept to fully develop marketing research skills and techniques to acquire reliable, thorough knowledge and understanding of the airport's unique marketing environment. The multifactorial dependence of airport marketing concepts makes it possible to form new ways to increase the level of this indicators. Endogenous and exogenous factors, in turn, create functional links between different discipline in air-port marketing environment. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the concept of "Airport Marketing" using numerous software tools to identify links between factors of airport marketing, its source, and antecedents. The methods used in the study include initial keyword search, data analysis and refinement, and clustering. Har-zing's Publish or Perish tool is used for initial investigation, BibExcel, VOSviewer, and MS Excel - for data analy-sis and refinement. The article uses data from databases of scientific publications: Google Scholar, and Cross Refferences. Searching and comparing information taken from several sources allows for a comprehensive analy-sis of the literature and understanding of the principles of bibliometric maps of publications. In the framework of this study, the authors formed and analyzed cluster groups of concepts, the principles of their grouping, devel-oped scientific approaches to clustering key terms in several databases. The relevance of this study lies in its im-pact on the process of forming conceptual clusters. With the help of the proposed scientific approaches, it is pos-sible to explain the dependencies in the cluster distribution of individual definitions, their relationship with each other, the degree of belonging to a particular factor of airport marketing.