Impact of Implementing Nursing Protocol on Respiratory Function of Elderly Patients' with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Martha, Labieb,Safaa, Mohamed,Nermeen, Abd El-Aziz,Ali, Hassan,Heba, Fahmy
Assiut Scientific Nursing Journal
Abstract:Vol (8), Issue (20), Special No.(1) , pp (38-52) 38Impact of Implementing Nursing Protocol on Respiratory Function of Elderly Patients' with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseMartha, M. Labieb1, Safaa, A. Mohamed2, Nermeen, M. Abd El-Aziz3, Ali, A. Hassan4 & Heba, M. Fahmy5.1. Assistant Lecturer in Gerontological Nursing department, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt.2. Professor of Community and Family Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt.3. Assistant Professor of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt.4. Assistant Professor of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt5. Lecturer of Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt.Abstract Background: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common respiratory disease interferes with basic function of breathing of elderly. Aim: To evaluate the impact of implementing nursing protocol on respiratory function of elderly patients' with COPD. Subjects & methods: Quasi - experimental research design was utilized to conduct this study in Chest Diseases Departments at the Main Assuit University Hospital. A purposive sample of 169 elderly patients with COPD (87 study& 82 control groups) was participated. Three tools were used includes: 1st tool: Elderly patients assessment sheet, it includes 2 parts (Socio-demographic& health history and Bristol COPD knowledge sheet). 2nd tool observational check lists: used to assess the practice of elderly includes (breathing & coughing exercise, inhaler technique and incentive spirometer).The 3rd tool respiratory function assessment sheet used to evaluate (dyspnea scale, SaO2, respiratory rate). Results: 75.9% were male, 63.1% were illiterate and vast majority were living in rural area. 97% of participant had poor knowledge & practice pre implementation. There were statistically significant differences between total score of elderly patients‟ knowledge& practice and respiratory function outcomes after application of nursing protocol (2 &6 months). Conclusion: Most of the studied elderly had poor knowledge &practice and sever dyspnea in pre-test after application the nursing protocol were significant improved respectively. Recommendations: Frequent patient education, home visit and telephone follow up is very essential to manage COPD patients.
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