Risk of non-AIDS-defining events among HIV-infected patients not yet on antiretroviral therapy
S Zhang,A van Sighem,A Kesselring,L Gras,J M Prins,E Hassink,R Kauffmann,C Richter,F de Wolf,P Reiss,ATHENA national observational HIV cohort study,D O Bezemer,L A J Gras,A M Kesselring,A I van Sighem,C Smit,S Zaheri,G van Twillert,W Kortmann,J W T Cohen Stuart,B M W Diederen,J Branger,J M Prins,T W Kuijpers,H J Scherpbier,J T M van der Meer,F W M N Wit,M H Godfried,T van der Poll,F J B Nellen,J M A Lange,S E Geerlings,M van Vugt,D Pajkrt,J C Bos,M van der Valk,M L Grijsen,W J Wiersinga,A Goorhuis,J W R Hovius,K Brinkman,W L Blok,P H J Frissen,W E M Schouten,G E L van den Berk,J Veenstra,K D Lettinga,J W Mulder,S M E Vrouenraets,F N Lauw,Jan van Goyen,A van Eeden,D W M Verhagen,M A van Agtmael,R M Perenboom,F A P Claessen,M Bomers,E J G Peters,J P van der Berg,E H Gisolf,E F Schippers,C van Nieuwkoop,E P van Elzakker,E M S Leyten,L B S Gelinck,Catharina Ziekenhuis,M J H Pronk,H S M Ammerlaan,G J Kootstra,C E Delsing,H G Sprenger,E H Scholvinck,S van Assen,W F W Bierman,K R Wilting,Y Stienstra,R Soetekouw,R W ten Kate,M G A van Vonderen,D P F van Houte,F P Kroon,J T van Dissel,S M Arend,M G J de Boer,H Jolink,H J M ter Vollaard,M P Bauer,S Weijer,R el Moussaoui,S Lowe,G Schreij,A Oude Lashof,D Posthouwer,P P Koopmans,M Keuter,A J A M van der Ven,H J M ter Hofstede,A S M Dofferhoff,A Warris,R van Crevel,M E van der Ende,T E M S de Vries-Sluijs,C A M Schurink,J L Nouwen,A Verbon,B J A Rijnders,E C M van Gorp,M van der Feltz,G J A Driessen,A M C van Rossum,J G den Hollander,K Pogany,M E E van Kasteren,A E Brouwer,A I M Hoepelman,T Mudrikova,M M E Schneider,P M Ellerbroek,J J Oosterheert,J E Arends,M W M Wassenberg,R E Barth,S P M Geelen,T F W Wolfs,L J Bont,M van den Berge,A Stegeman,P H P Groeneveld,J W Bouwhuis,C Winkel,F Muskiet,R Voigt
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/hiv.12202
Abstract:Objectives: Certain non-AIDS-related diseases have been associated with immunodeficiency and HIV RNA levels in HIV-infected patients on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART). We aimed to investigate these associations in patients not yet on cART, when potential antiretroviral-drug-related effects are absent and variation in RNA levels is greater. Methods: Associations between, on the one hand, time-updated CD4 counts and plasma HIV RNA and, on the other hand, a composite non-AIDS-related endpoint, including major cardiovascular diseases, liver fibrosis/cirrhosis, and non-AIDS-related malignancies, were studied with multivariate Poisson regression models in 12 800 patients diagnosed with HIV infection from 1998 onwards while not yet treated with cART. Results: During 18 646 person-years of follow-up, 203 non-AIDS-related events occurred. Compared with a CD4 count ≥ 500 cells/μL, adjusted relative risks (RRs) for the composite endpoint were 4.71 [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.98-7.45] for a CD4 count < 200 cells/μL, 2.06 (95% CI 1.38-3.06) for a CD4 count of 200-349 cells/μL, and 1.19 (95% CI 0.82-1.74) for a CD4 count of 350-499 cells/μL. There was no evidence for an independent association with HIV RNA. Other important covariates were age [RR 1.40 (95% CI 1.31-1.49) per 5 years older], hepatitis B virus coinfection [RR 5.66 (95% CI 3.87-8.28)] and hepatitis C virus coinfection [RR 9.26 (95% CI 6.04-14.2)]. Conclusions: In persons not yet receiving cART, a more severe degree of immunodeficiency rather than higher HIV RNA levels appears to be associated with an increased risk of our composite non-AIDS-related endpoint. Larger studies are needed to address these associations for individual non-AIDS-related events.