Health Care Professional Education on Cancer Screening of SGM Individuals: An Integrative Review
Lim, Andrew,Dickinson, Kristin,Lally, Robin M.
Journal of Cancer Education
Abstract:Sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals are disproportionately affected by cancer. Health care professional (HCP) and health sciences education rarely includes content on cancer screening in this population. This article aims to synthesize literature on educational programs for HCPs and health sciences students related to cancer screening for SGM individuals. An integrative review methodology guided a systematic search of five databases: CINAHL, PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, and ERIC. Articles were included if they were empirically-based and described educational programs targeted at HCPs and health sciences students with content of cancer screening for SGM people. Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria. Of these, three were pilot studies and the majority of the articles ( n = 9) used pre- and post-test designs. All of the interventions showed efficacy in increasing knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behavior. However, the vastly different programs and the fact that most of the cancer screening content was embedded in programs with broad SGM issues content limit the ability to make firm recommendations for any one particular program. In-person didactic content delivered multiple times incorporating modalities such as standardized patient encounters, case studies, and guest speakers increased knowledge, attitude, and skills of participants. Future studies should incorporate behavioral theories, develop more consistent aspects of educational programs, report demographic and pertinent data on participants, and utilize established instruments to measure outcomes when conducting educational interventions on HCPs and students in this area.
oncology,public, environmental & occupational health,education, scientific disciplines