The principle of treating expropriation as an ultima ratio measure in light of the amendment to the real property administration act of 4 April 2019, imposing a time limitation on restitution rights

Sławomir Pawłowski
Abstract:The act of 4 April 2019 on the amendment of the real property administration act, which amends the r.p.a.a. in the field of restitution of expropriated property, among others, was essentially adopted to perform two decisions of the Constitution Tribunal (SK 39/15 and SK 26/14), which viewed certain heretofore solutions with criticism. The amendment act, which in addition to amending the unconstitutional provisions, also introduced institutions previously unknown to Polish expropriation legislation - the final date of submitting a request for restitution of an expropriate real property (art. 136(7)). The paper presents a thesis that an expropriated real property constitutes a „fixed-purpose” property, which means it may not be used for any other purpose than that specified in the expropriation decision or contract. Failure to complete this purpose, including its abandonment, means in fact that an unauthorised expansion of public resources occurred when utilising the realm of imperium.
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