Oleksandr Deineha,Inna Deineha
Market Infrastructure
Abstract:The article specifies the content of the concepts of image and reputation of the bank. It is established that the image of the bank is its image, artificially created by means of marketing communications. The current level of public confidence in the main components of the banking system of Ukraine is analyzed and based on analytical data it is established that the level of image of banking organizations is not high enough. It is determined that over the last fourteen years the number of banks in Ukraine is projected to decrease mainly due to banks with domestic capital, which encourages market operators to intensify their activities, including through the use of modern tools to influence the market, including marketing communications. The factors influencing the bank’s reputation are assessed, in particular, it is determined that the main ones are the bank’s image and / or its unfair economic behavior. The components of the bank’s image are identified, in particular the history of its origin and development, its goals and objectives; degree of reliability; degree of openness and transparency of activity, efficiency of information system; the level of its relationship with state, regional and municipal authorities, as well as the presence of large or well-known organizations among customers; participation of foreign capital; reputation of managers and employees of the bank; the degree of organization and quality of customer service culture; effectiveness of advertising policy, brand use and public relations; social orientation of activity, charitable actions and sponsorship, social programs, etc.; availability for customers, i.e. the presence of a network of branches. The components of the bank’s integrated marketing communications, such as sales promotion, public relations, bank advertising, direct marketing, and branding, have been identified. The place of the brand in creating the image of the banking organization is revealed. The basic approaches to the formation of the material components of the bank’s brand, in particular the design of the sign, corporate fonts, and logo are determined. The specific characteristics of the bank’s advertising are revealed. Features of introduction of marketing innovations in the banking sphere are characterized. The main trends of digital marketing of banks in 2021 are described, in particular, increasing competitiveness, chatbots, targeting, artificial intelligence, search engine optimization, omnichannel, involvement.